AEW Fight for the Fallen is AEW’s third show, as we march closer and closer to All Out in August and the debut of their television show in the fall. Fight for the Fallen will continue the build towards Chris Jericho vs. Hangman Page along with various other feuds that have been building in AEW.
AEW Fight for the Fallen can be viewed for free on B/R Live for residents of the United States and Canada and viewed on Fite TV worldwide. If issues are experienced with B/R Live, it can also be bought in Canada on Fite TV as well.
The main card of the show will see The Rhodes Brothers take on the Young Bucks in a tag team dream match. Cody and Dustin proved to be one of the more entertaining tag teams in WWE for their time there, and the Young Bucks are arguably the best tag team in the world today. I expect both teams to work very hard in this one, as this match means a lot to both teams on an emotional level. Is this Dustin Rhodes’ last hurrah? I certainly hope not, but we shall see. It would be nice to see Cody and Dustin involved in the tag team scene for a little while.
Cima vs. Kenny Omega is a legitimate dream match among two of the best wrestlers in the world today. Cima is a legend and Omega always has a great match when he goes out there, so personally, I am very excited for this one.
We’ll also see Jimmy Havoc, Darby Allin, and Joey Janela tak on MJF, Sammy Guevara, and Shawn Spears. Spears and MJF on the same team as interesting because of what happened between Cody and Spears at the last show. MJF looks up to Cody and is clearly angry at Spears for what happened.
Another match that I am personally looking forward to is the women’s tag match with Britt Baker and Riho against Shoko Nakajima and Bea Priestly. Priestly is currently the World of Stardom champion, and the other three are top notch workers.
Riho is becoming a personal favourite after the last two shows so I am excited for this match. Hangman Page will also be taking on Kip Sabian as Page looks to continue his momentum leading into his title shot and Sabian looks to unseat Page from his position of #1 contender.
The whole card is here below, and you can follow all the coverage LIVE right here on Daily DDT!
Sonny Kiss vs. Peter Avalon w/ Leva Bates
Britt Baker & Riho vs. Bea Priestley & Shoko Nakajima
Main Card
The Dark Order (Evil Uno & Stu Grayson) vs. Angelico & Jack Evans vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus – Winner gets a chance at a first round bye I the AEW World Tag Team Tournament
Jimmy Havoc, Darby Allin, & Joey Janela vs. MJF, Sammy Guevara, & Shawn Spears
Brandi Rhodes vs. Allie
SoCal Uncensored (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) w/ Christopher Daniels vs. The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)
Hangman Page vs. Kip Sabian
Kenny Omega vs. Cima
The Rhodes Brothers (Cody & Dustin Rhodes) w/ Brandi Rhodes vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)