WWE Raw: Hopefully Cedric Alexander’s win is a sign of things to come

WWE, Cedric Alexander (Photo by Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images)
WWE, Cedric Alexander (Photo by Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images)

WWE Raw have a future superstar in Cedric Alexander and hopefully his win over Drew McIntyre is a sign of things to come.

Drew McIntyre probably isn’t done with Cedric Alexander. No, there’s absolutely no way he lets Cedric Alexander have the last word after rolling him up for a victory on the episode of WWE Raw after Extreme Rules, one night after McIntyre lost a tag team match to arch nemesis Roman Reigns and a geriatric. A geriatric who may also beat him one-on-one at SummerSlam.

But for one glorious minute, WWE fans cheered like crazy for Alexander, who reversed McIntyre’s signature Alabama Slam into a victory roll for a huge win. This is by far Alexander’s biggest main roster win, as pinning a main event player who has won the NXT Championship and Raw Tag Team Championships is a huge deal indeed.

Right now, McIntyre is a part of one of WWE’s main angles and is consistently dubbed a future world champion by commentator Michael Cole, who is essentially the nebulous voice of “The Brand”. In some ways, what he says is gospel.

Cedric Alexander pinned a so-called future Universal Champion within months of his main roster debut, just minutes after said future champion told Alexander that he’d disembowel/eviscerate (the latter is worse, by the way) him.

So what does that make Alexander?

Hopefully, Alexander is also seen as a Universal Champion. Just as McIntyre led a brand with aplomb as NXT Champion, Alexander revived 205 Live during his Cruiserweight Championship reign. He helped set the tone for the direction of the show, joining forces with Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy to form one of the most talented cores of wrestlers we’ve seen leading a brand.

But make no mistake, Alexander was “The Soul” of 205 Live, and he can be a babyface of equal importance on WWE Raw.

McIntyre could very well get the last laugh on Alexander, but the Master of the Lumbar Check already got his huge pop by pinning The Scottish Psychopath. And honestly? I wouldn’t put it past Alexander to beat McIntyre again, even if the latter seems on a collision course for a huge matchup against The Undertaker at SummerSlam.

WWE need to show that the strike when the iron is hot under Paul Heyman’s guidance, and Alexander feels HOT right now. His work as Gary Garbutt was hilarious, but it was far more impressive to see him defeat McIntyre one-on-one.

While it may have seemed like a fluky win because of the roll-up, Alexander got plenty of offense in, hitting all of his signature moves on McIntyre. He didn’t give away The Lumbar Check either, which is a move McIntyre can’t have the cheat code to beat.

Alexander can go far in WWE, and I have a feeling Heyman and Co. will pounce on the opportunity to turn him into a key player, shifting him into that upper mid-card rotation on WWE Raw. Finn Balor is reportedly set to take some time off, and Alexander looks like an ideal replacement for that babyface spot on Monday nights.