WWE Clash of Champions: 3 reasons why Bayley should beat Charlotte

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2.) Charlotte Flair is overpushed

Literally. Bayley did ‘push’ Charlotte Flair off her chair during a Moment of Bliss segment. Figuratively, it is clear that Charlotte is given way too many championship opportunities to count, and this is why Bayley labels Charlotte as “selfish.”

Since joining the main roster, Charlotte Flair has become a nine-time Women’s Champion.  Although Charlotte is very talented and deserving of her accomplishments, almost everyone in the SmackDown women’s division remains in her shadow because Charlotte takes up all the spotlight.

She’s put on this pedestal not only because she has a famous last name, but also because that famous last name challenges her to surpass expectations to prove that she earns everything she receives. Despite this truthful mindset, she will never be capable of having the perspective of Superstars like Bayley who had to start from scratch and make a name for themselves.

While Charlotte Flair’s Queen character is built to look down on others, Bayley’s ‘huggable’ character has always been built to climb the ladder and look up at her future aspirations, just like she did when she climbed that ladder to win the MITB Briefcase in May 2019.

Although her new heel character may persuade many to question her down-to-earth underdog-like persona, she still maintains that persona. Despite her new heel character, Bayley can still be seen as an anti-hero superstar whom the fanbase can look up to for her good morals of loyalty and ambition.