WWE’s next PPV, Clash of Champions, is this Sunday and the stakes could not be higher for every Superstar involved in the show’s festivities.
11 matches have been booked for the event, 10 of which are WWE title matches. Plenty to get excited about going into the PPV and even more to speculate about.
The final match card got our entire staff buzzing about what could happen at Clash of Champions, so here are some predictions from the Daily DDT crew.
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Sasha Banks – Raw Women’s Championship
Bassam Kaado: “The Man” (Please don’t sue us, Ric Flair) Becky Lynch is arguably the best thing on WWE Main Roster television. Sasha Banks’ long-awaited return, though loved by many, has felt a bit flat for me. Though, Banks would not have come back only to lose to Lynch, and, right now, I don’t see any credible competitors taking the title off her. Having Banks win it, and Becky chasing again, seems like the best thing right now. I just want more fresh blood in the Women’s Division.
Bryan Heaton: If you’ve paid attention to the ads FOX is running for SmackDown, Becky Lynch, despite being Raw Women’s Champion, is featured prominently. I’d say she’s about to be a major part of the show moving forward, so it’s time for Sasha Banks to wrestle the title away from her. Otherwise, things are going to get awkward on Fridays in October.
Chris Jeter: Since WrestleMania, Lynch has lost a lot of steam, mainly because WWE Creative asked her to perform miracle work and make Lacey Evans look like a believable challenger for three months before carrying Natalya on the mic for another three weeks. Now she has a proper foil in Sasha Banks.
Aside from WWE using Natalya’s late father to put heat on Banks and Lynch’s pro-management promos – one of which included the “take your ball and go home” dog whistle – this has been the better of the “Four Horsewomen vs. Four Horsewomen” feuds. This program has legs and that combined with the lack of remaining credible opponents for Lynch has me believing that Banks will walk out with the RAW Women’s Title.
Chris Schad – A couple thoughts helped me come to this prediction. The WWE needs Banks and Bayley to look as strong as possible for their push to work. After sitting out nearly five months, it would almost seem odd if Banks didn’t come away with the win. With Becky speculated to be headed to SmackDown with the move to FOX, Sasha will likely win.
Joe Anthony Myrick: I’m calling a win for Sasha Banks. Now, whether she walks out with the title is another story. As so many of us have pointed out, Becky Lynch is being promoted for SmackDown on FOX and a move seems likely. The blue brand debuts on FOX just two days before WWE’s next PPV, Hell in a Cell.
I can see WWE finding some way around putting the title on Banks at Clash of Champions by having her win by countout or DQ. Something that gives her an argument that makes her worth challenging Becky one more time at the next PPV. Then, a loss at Hell in a Cell could serve as a Raw sendoff for Becky in dropping the title to Sasha. But even if shenanigans ensue, expect a win for the returning Sasha Banks.
Mark Justice: IT’S BOSS TIME! I surely enjoy mocking Michael Cole. However, unlike Michael Cole, I care about Sasha Banks’ blue hair. Her blue hair symbolizes her revitalized persona and renewed drive to accomplish her ultimate goal of main eventing WrestleMania, just like Becky Lynch did.
Her in-ring return, heel turn, and reunion with Bayley must warrant a victory at Clash of Champions, whether it be by DQ, countout, pinfall, or submission.
Maysum Hudda: I’m truly torn here. On one hand, Sasha Banks has been must see TV since she’s returned, but I can’t see Becky Lynch losing her title to anyone other than Ronda Rousey when she comes back. For that reason, I’m taking Becky Lynch retaining but not necessarily by victory. I think Bayley will get involved here so that we can see this feud continue
Ryan Anderson: Becky Lynch has been treading water since her match with Charlotte Flair and Ronday Rousey at WrestleMania 35. The feud with Lacey Evans did no one any favors. While she had a good match with Nattie at SummerSlam, Nattie isn’t the credible opponent that Sasha Banks is. Sasha, as The Boss character, is a natural heel. The Four Horsewoman match should be the foundation of the women’s division for months. Have Sasha and Bayley both be champions for months. Having Sasha lose undercuts the momentum her character currently has.