Cesaro’s role as the measuring stick should have never been the extent of his run within the WWE, but it’s a role where he continues to excel. The two matches that he had against Aleister Black earlier this year lived up to the immediate hype.
He hasn’t been used effectively since, but throwing him in with a returning Hennigan would benefit both men right from the start.
Cesaro has a knack of performing well with opponents of various sizes. When paired with someone bigger, he finds a way to match strength and puts on feats of power that continue to surprise the fans. If it’s a smaller opponent sharing the ring, Cesaro does an equally fantastic job throwing them around the ring and making them look like they are in complete peril.
Hennigan would fall within the latter of that group, and his abilities would make this a pairing worth taking the time to watch.
It will be interesting to see where WWE Creative inserts Hennigan upon his return. He was never a main card talent that reached main event status on the biggest brand, but his time in promotions outside the WWE showed that he could be trusted with the top spot.
Bringing him in against Cesaro would be a good test to see if that time away will translate into success within the WWE.