WWE bold predictions: Brock Lesnar won’t win, John Cena return?

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3. John Cena appears on SmackDown

Honestly, I don’t know the logistics of this. I don’t know John Cena’s busy schedule, or Vince McMahon’s plans, or anything about FOX’s executives. And maybe that’s a good thing, since the last time I speculated about this kind of thing, I psyched myself into thinking Ronda Rousey wouldn’t show up to debut at Royal Rumble 2018.

Anyway, SmackDown on FOX is a huge deal, and one way to guarantee that it’s an even bigger deal is to have John Cena. We’ve all come to universally love Cena again – and not just because he follows more and more of us on Twitter.

Cena is a living legend who somehow displays confidence and humility, which is rare to find in a human being as accomplished as he is.

There’s also something special about seeing him on SmackDown Live, because there are so many fond memories of him on the Blue Brand. And I’m not just talking about the past or even his 2016 feud with AJ Styles (or 2017 feud with The Miz…those promos!)

No, I’m also talking about what he did months ago in putting over Becky Lynch on her rise to the main event of WrestleMania 35 during a time when he was putting over EVERYONE, including Finn Balor over in the men’s division on Raw.

Cena is putting guys over, helping out future top stars like Becky Lynch and Roman Reigns, and just genuinely being a sweet guy on the desolate wasteland (Wade Barrett shoutout) that is known as Twitter.

We love him. We want to see him on SmackDown. And I think it’s going to happen with a big angle maybe even coming from it next WrestleMania season…