WWE NXT on USA: Results, Highlights, and Grades for Oct. 2

Matt Riddle challenges for Adam Cole's NXT Championship on the October 2, 2019 episode of NXT. Photo: WWE.com
Matt Riddle challenges for Adam Cole's NXT Championship on the October 2, 2019 episode of NXT. Photo: WWE.com /
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NXT Championship Match – Adam Cole (c) vs. Matt Riddle

When I found out this afternoon that this match would open the show, my initial thought was, “Oh, god, no!” I mean, how on earth do you open the show with your main event? It’s insanely counterproductive — especially if you’re trying to get people to tune in to your show, and not that other show a channel or so away. Why continue watching past the first match?

My second thought? “Well, there’s no way this is going to end cleanly.” I had visions of a Vince Russo-esque funky finish in the opener, leading to General Manager William Regal announcing a rematch LATER TONIGHT IN THE MAIN EVENT where we’d get a proper finish.

Once the action got started, though, those thoughts escaped my mind. Cole and Riddle went about 100 miles an hour from bell to bell — even the rest holds weren’t very restful. Neither man would give an inch, which is to be expected in a world title match. But still, this one was firing on all cylinders for the duration.

I have to give a special commendation to Riddle for his unbelievable agility. A few minutes into the match, he went for a Penalty Kick, but Cole ducked. No worries, as Riddle attempted a standing moonsault. That, too, was avoided by the champion, but Riddle managed to land on his feet and seamlessly transition into the Broton Drop. A truly ridiculous sequence — but one that paled in comparison to some of what came later.

Not to be outdone, Cole managed some slick moves of his own. His counter of the Bro to Sleep into a sort of Codebreaker to the back of the head looked purely effortless. And the Panama Sunrise is quite possibly one of my favorite moves in professional wrestling, so Cole will always be one of my favorites to watch.

The finishing sequence was so good it just HAS to be fattening. Cole’s greediness to continue going for his big moves and Riddle reversing. Riddle working Cole’s arm injury, but the champ wriggling free. And surprise, surprise — a clean finish via the Last Shot!

Winner: Adam Cole

Rating: 4.25 out of 5 Stars

But it was the post-match angle that had my jaw on the floor — former NXT Champion FINN BÁLOR returned to Full Sail University, declaring that he is once again NXT. On a family-friendly website, I can’t say what I was thinking at this moment, but if you check out the chant from the Full Sail crowd, you’ll figure it out.

LOTS of possibilities from here, like an NXT Bálor Club going up against the Undisputed Era at War Games, perhaps? Bálor vs. Cole for the NXT Championship? WHO KNOWS? But I’m definitley tuning in to NXT for the foreseeable future.