WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Results, Highlights, and Grades

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Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan & Luke Harper – Tornado Tag Match

Daniel Bryan as a babyface is great, as much as the story leading into this match doesn’t make sense. He got a big pop as he came out, and it’s clear that he should be one of the top babyfaces in the company. Bryan and Reigns ran wild in the early portion, but as Regins went for a spear on Rowan, Harper cut him off with a big boot.

Bryan tried to make the save, but Harper and Rowan cut him off and continued to get the heat on both men. It was at this point that I realized the match was a tornado tag, as it wasn’t announced until the preshow, and I forgot. Harper and Rowan drove the stairs into Roman. Rowan got Bryan up on his shoulders, but before the Doomsday Device could be hit, Roman cut him off. Bryan rolled him up, but Rowan kicked out.

Rowan screamed “You tried to embarrass me!” and I’m not sure how. Bryan tried to lock on the LaBelle lock, but Harper cut him off. Rowan hit a Jackhammer on Bryan, but Bryan kicked out. Bryan got the advantage briefly, and Roman made a comeback, pulling Rowan to the outside and then hitting Harper with a ton of clotheslines in the corner. As Roman hit the ropes, Rowan pulled the top rope down and Roman spilled to the outside.

Bryan attacked Harper and started to kick him in the corner. Bryan went for his running corner kick, but Harper dodged. Bryan slipped behind, hit a dropkick to the knee and then hit the Yes Kicks, but Rowan pulled Bryan to the outside. Reigns hit the drive by dropkick on Rowan and Harper dived onto Reigns and hit his face on the announce table.

Harper and Rowan still had the advantage, and Rowan slammed Harper into Reigns. Vince was clearly in Cole’s ear talking about how big Rowan and Harper are and how small Bryan is. Harper and Rowan drove a part of the barricade into Roman’s face and picked up Bryan and tried to put him through the announce table.

Bryan countered with a hurricanrana off the table on Harper while Reigns got up and speared Rowan through one of the announce tables. Bryan and Harper were in the ring, and Bryan hit a running dropkick 3 times. Bryan put Harper on the top rope and went for a top rope hurricanrana, but Harper held him and hit a top rope powerbomb! Bryan kicked out! Bryan escaped a half nelson suplex by landing on his feet and sent Harper into a superman punch from Roman. Bryan hit his flying knee, and Roman hit the spear for the win!


Result: Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns

Rating ***3/4 (3.75 stars)

Excellent tag match from all 4 men here. The storyline leading into it made no sense, but hopefully we can move on now. Bryan and Reigns hugged after the match and shook hands to a great reaction from the crowd.

Seth Rollins cut a promo that was overly scripted and had forced tag lines that sounded fake.