WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Results, Highlights, and Grades

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Randy Orton vs. Ali

Orton took the early part of this match with some cheap shots. After Randy hit him with a thumb to the eye, Ali managed to get onto the top rope, but Orton threw him off to the floor, and Ali’s body made a sickening thud. Orton hit a front suplex and a back suplex on the announce table. Orton stomped on Ali’s stomach in the ring. Orton sent Ali back to ringside and went for another back suplex onto the announce table, but Ali backflipped out and hit a dropkick.

Orton drove Ali into the ring post though with an ugly bump. Ali had a big welt on his side because of it. Orton locked on a chinlock, but Ali managed to fight out and hit some chops and forearms, but Orton countered with a knee to the ribs of Ali. Ali hit a dropkick that sent Orton to the outside and Ali hit a suicide dive that sent Orton flying over the announce table.

Ali got a near fall, but after hitting the ropes, Orton hit a power slam for a near fall of his own. Ali jumped on the second rope and hit a tornado DDT before going for a 450 splash, but he missed. Orton hit the second rope DDT and left Ali laying in the middle of the ring. Ali countered an RKO attempt with a crucifix, but Orton kicked out. Ali went for a rolling attack, but Orton popped up and hit the RKO.

Result: Randy Orton

Rating *** (3 stars)