WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Results, Highlights, and Grades

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The Bullet Club (AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, & Karl Anderson) vs. The War Viking Raider Experience Machine (Hanson & Rowe) & Braun Strowman

Hanson and Anderson started the match with Hanson overpowering Anderson. Hanson locked on an arm wringer, but Anderson hit a throat thrust and Gallows tagged in. Hanson went to the top rope, jumped at Gallows, but Gallows ducked, and Hanson rolled through ad made a tag to Rowe. Rowe ran wild for a bit, but Styles cut Rowe off and he fell to the floor. Styles ran wild for a bit, and tried to hit a forearm on Braun, but Braun caught him. Gallows pulled Braun off the apron, and after a heat segment, Hanson backdropped Styles and made the hot tag to Braun.

Braun ran over everyone, both literally and figuratively. Styles managed to hit a forearm, but Braun dodged an attack and had Styles setup for the powerslam, but Gallows cut him off and then the bell rang for no reason, as the OC was DQ’d for kicking too much ass.

Result: The Viking Raiders & Braun Strowman via DQ

Rating: DUD (0 stars)

This finish sucked. It completely killed the match. Strowman and the Raiders ran wild, beating everyone down, so why not just pin them? At least Styles sold Braun’s punch like death.

The Street Profits cut a promo backstage and there was a run in with Truth, Carmella, and Tamina. Tamina rolled up Carmella for the title. Tyler Breeze showed up and no on recognized him. Tamina hit him with a forearm. Carmella and Truth ran off looking for the title. Apparently, Breeze was there because he was on Watch Along. It would have been nice if they told us this beforehand, as it would have setup him being there. A simple explanation. Instead, they assume everyone knew he was on Watch Along. This sucked. Truth was funny.