WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Results, Highlights, and Grades

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Charlotte Flair vs. Bayley (c) – WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship

Before the match started, Tamina was in the crowd running from Truth. She used Funaki as a human shield, but Carmella kicked Tamina in the head and Truth was able to pin her. Truth wins the 24/7 title again.

Charlotte took control of the match early on with some hard chops. In the early portion, Charlotte had the better of Bayley, locking on a Boston crab. Bayley poked Charlotte in the eye from ringside and started beating on Charlotte. Charlotte turned it around with some chops and a suplex, followed by a kick up. Charlotte hit a big elbow that dropped Bayley. Bayley rolled to the outside and dragged Charlotte to the floor.

Bayley drove Charlotte’s leg into the LED board on the side of the ring. Bayley drove Charlotte’s leg into the ring post. Bayley got the heat here and a few near falls after this. Charlotte made her comeback with a chop block and kicking the leg of Bayley in spots taken directly from her dad. Charlotte hit Natural Selection, but Bayley kicked out.

Charlotte went for a moonsault, but Bayley got her knees up. They went to the outside, but Charlotte managed to hit a fallaway slam on the floor. Charlotte went for the Figure 8, but Bayley rolled her up. Charlotte kicked out. Bayley rolled Charlotte up again, but Bayley had her feet on the ropes. The ref saw it, and Charlotte hit Bayley with a big boot and locked on the Figure 8 for the victory.


Result: Charlotte Flair

Rating **1/2 (2.5 stars)

This match was good in the ring but had zero heat. The crowd doesn’t want to boo Bayley and they don’t want to cheer Charlotte. It was perfectly fine in the ring, but both women are miscast here. The match was structured weird too, as both women got a heat segment. It was just odd. I felt sorry for Bayley losing, and that shouldn’t happen with a heel unless they’re turning.