WWE Hell in a Cell 2019: Results, Highlights, and Grades

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The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross (c) – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

Cross and Alexa got the heat on Asuka in the early portion of this match, but Asuka managed to send Nikki to the outside. Asuka went for a baseball slide, but Nikki pulled the apron aside and trapped Asuka and Bliss followed up with a dropkick. Asuka got loose and hit a kick on Cross and then drove Alexa into the barricade before tagging in Kairi Sane.

Asuka and Sane beat on Bliss for a few minutes. Asuka locked on an ankle lock on Bliss in the middle of the ring and then turned it into a half crab. Alexa somehow got into a side headlock. Asuka dropped her again and then tagged out to Sane. Sane poked Cross in the eyes and hit a sliding D lariat on Bliss, but the ref was distracted by Cross trying to get in the ring. Bliss fought out of another ankle lock and made the hot tag to Cross.

Cross ran wild and dropped Sane before hitting a flying cross body on Kairi Sane. Sane kicked out. Kairi countered and went for her flying elbow, but Cross got her knees up and hit a neckbreaker off the top rope. Asuka made the save and dragged Sane to her corner before tagging in and kicking Cross. Asuka used Kawada kicks on Cross to a great cheer from the crowd.

Nikkie caught a kick from Asuka and hit a clothesline. Asuka spit poison mist into Nikki Cross’s face and followed up with a big kick to defeat Bliss and Cross to win the tag team titles.

Result: The Kabuki Warriors

Rating **3/4 (2.75 stars)

So, Asuka and Kairi are just heels for no reason? This seemed out of nowhere. However, they acted like babyfaces after the match, so I have no idea what was going on. Either way, Asuka and Kairi are two of the best wrestlers in the company, so hopefully they get featured more. However, this is another example of wrestlers just being heels or babyfaces without a specific turn. Asuka and Kairi just acted like heels from the start of the match for no reason.