WWE NXT on USA: Results, Highlights and Grades for Oct. 16

Tommaso Ciampa will face Angel Garza on the October 16, 2019 episode of WWE NXT. Photo: WWE.com
Tommaso Ciampa will face Angel Garza on the October 16, 2019 episode of WWE NXT. Photo: WWE.com
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Another week, another Wednesday night of WWE NXT action from the WWE packed with exciting action, including Damian Priest vs. Pete Dunne and Tommaso Ciampa’s in-ring return.

Without wasting any time, we kick off WWE NXT with Tommaso Ciampa’s first match back in WWE since his injury. His opponent is Breakout Tournament competitor and WWE NXT newbie, Angel Garza.

Garza runs at Ciampa, but Ciampa ducks it into a headlock that Garza wiggles out of. Sequence of ducked spots.

Taken to the outside when Garza attempts a baseball slide, but flops to the outside before Ciampa sends him into the barricade, something he has to pat himself on the back for.

Ciampa attempts a Fairytale Ending, but Garza evades it and attacks the surgically repaired leg. Suicide dive, then a dropkick in the ring. He takes off his pants to a huge pop, then throws them at Ciampa. Bad idea.

Angry kicks and knees from Ciampa in the corner, then sends Garza to the outside. Both to Garza, then his Mexican flag pants. Garza makes his way back in, but walks into a Willow’s Bell Draping DDT, leading to a win for Ciampa.

Winner: Ciampa

Grade: C-

Sloppy to be quite honest. Maybe having Ciampa’s first match back be a super quick paced match was a bad idea. Would’ve been better to get him a slower pace to get him back in the groove. He struggled to keep up with Garza in parts and Garza went a little too fast for his own good, practically slipping in parts.


Immediately after the match, Undisputed Era hit the ring. Ciampa is prepared with a chair and crutch. But rather than attack, they toss a USB drive at the commentary table, who promise to get it to the production truck to play after the commercial break.

We get footage from the USB  of Undisputed Era promising to make an example. Adam Cole is tired of not being taken seriously, so they show a beaten down Velveteen Dream. They promise Finn Balor and Ciampa are next if they get in their way.

Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan vs. Imperium (Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel)

Aichner and Burch start with a headlock and some standard amateur wrestling. Fabian has the power advantage until Oney and Burch try some double team moves, but again, Fabian’s too powerful. He tags in Marcel Barthel.

Barthel tries to dive at Burch, but catches a headbutt and hits a missile dropkick (followed by a kip-up) instead. Him and Oney toss Barthel and Aichner out the ring for a commercial break.

Back from the break, Barthel has Burch in a rest hold, but Oney gets the hot tag, going balistic on everyone in sight. After a comeback spot, Oney tags in Danny, hits a dive, then they heat a double team powerbomb on Fabian for a near fall.

Oney back in to hit their finisher, but Barthel makes the save. Pulls Burch out the ring. Oney squares off with Fabian.

Marcel dives on Danny outside to take him out, allowing Fabian to hit a flippy moonsault for a near fall.

Oney recovers with a chop before Fabian tags in Marcel, but he chops both men. However, the two on one advantage proves to be an advantage that’s too much for Oney. Spinebuster, PK Kick, then Uppercut-Powerbomb combo for Marcel/Fabian to win.

Winners: Imperium

Grade: B

I love a good tag team match, and this is a really good tag team match. Go out of your way to see this one if you haven’t already.

Afterwards, we get a hype package for Johnny Gargano, then an interview backstage asking for his thoughts on Ciampa’s return. Given their history, ups and downs, Gargano admits he won’t know how he feels till he sees Ciampa face to face.

Io Shirai vs. Kayden Carter

Io runs at Kayden, but Kayden tackles her to the ground. Quick sequence, hurricanrana by Kayden Carter, then a sequence of pin attempts until Kayden dropkicks Io. Io retreats outside. Kayden attempts an apron PK Kick, but Io sweeps her legs.

Back in the ring, Io hits a springboard dropkick for a two count.

Kayden attempts a comeback laden with kicks, but Io keeps kicking out. Eventually, Io hits an Everest German Suplex followed by a Moonsault for the win.

Winner: Io Shirai

Grade: C

Wish this was a little longer. Pretty fun while it lasted. Not long enough to leave an impression that I’ll remember by the end of this week, to be honest, but man, it was fun while it lasted. Give these two more time in that ring and I am sure we’ll get magic. Kayden’s coming into her own so.

Io grabs the mic to say “Not Rhea. Not Bianca. Shayna, it’s ME!”

Rhea doesn’t like hearing someone say her name, so she makes her way out. Rhea confirms next week, she’s going to face Bianca Belair for saying her name last week, but if Io says her name again, she’ll shut her up, too. Give me this match. Now.

After that, Cathy Kelley interviews William Regal, who confirms Velveteen Dream will not compete next week for Strong’s NA Title thanks to the beating he received earlier. However, Strong will defend his title against the winner of Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic, which is up next.

Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic – Number one contenders match for North American Championship

With the stakes raised, the latest rendition and the tie-breaker of Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic commences with a staredown. Both men are 1-1 with previous matches.

They run at each other like two bulls locking horns. Stale mate. After a series of shoulder tackles, Dijak’s shoulder appears injured, so Lee attacks it. This includes a big splash on Dijak’s arm.

Dijak uses his only good arm to clothesline Lee out his boots.