In an era of reality based WWE Superstars, Bray Wyatt has succeeded in developing a larger than life character.
When Bray Wyatt debuted back in May of 2013, the character and the Wyatt Family was something that fans could not take their eyes off of. Everything Wyatt did was against the mold of the average WWE character. The way that his promos were filmed, how Wyatt spoke, and the cult like charisma that Wyatt showcased felt fresh.
In the years since his debut, Wyatt has wrestled and interacted with some of the greatest talent in WWE history. The challenge with Wyatt is that every time the character has gotten on the verge of greatness, WWE took the wind out of his sails.
By now, Wyatt – as the character was originally intended to be showcased upon his debut – should be one of the top characters in WWE history. Unfortunately, there have been more deflating moments with the Wyatt character than there should be.
Regardless of the amount of losses he has taken over the years, Wyatt has consistently and successfully been able to portray himself as one of the most intriguing characters in WWE history, even prior to his run as The Fiend. Still, WWE has had multiple chances to launch Bray Wyatt into super stardom and failed.
Here are four times where WWE has failed to cement the Bray Wyatt character as a legitimate main eventer.