WWE: It’s time to sick The Fiend on Brock Lesnar

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via wwe.com

It’s completely undeniable at this point, Bray Wyatt and his three-dimensional persona is the best thing the WWE has going right now.

Superstars have always evolved over time within the WWE; however, Bray’s children’s television host character and The Fiend have truly created depth to the WWE when it comes to telling a story, fully using back history of storylines to allow for and follow solid character development.

As such, Wyatt was thrusted into RAW’s title picture in September. While some WWE fans would have liked to see Bray gradually work his way up that ladder, it’s understandable that he was given that opportunity considering just how far he’s connected with fans as The Fiend. Plus, WWE can’t deny that “cha-ching” sound coming from WWE Shop and merchandising stands.

I love Bray Wyatt; I’ve ALWAYS loved Bray Wyatt. From his character confidence (whether you are talking about his cult leader gimmick or current PTSD survivor learning to deal with life by projecting a multiple personality disorder), to his in-ring technique, his agility, his promos, vignettes, and more; Bray Wyatt is someone who is refreshing, yet understands the business and the role storytelling plays within it. What’s more, he truly deserves a huge spotlight on him.

I’m not just talking about title matches and main events, though; I’m talking title reigns, and potentially the holy grail to which all WWE Superstars reach for – that Wrestlemania closing match.

Most within the WWE Universe were disappointed when Kofi Kingston dropped this WWE Championship recently, only for Brock Lesnar – part-time junkie – to swoop in and carve yet another undeserved championship notch in his belt after a mere 30-second match. It seems the powers that be believed a title was needed in the Crown Jewel program between him and Cain Velasquez; although, I am one who thinks it was not.

Having said that, I am one who thinks that Brock Lesnar will remain WWE Champion well after Crown Jewel and most likely take months off after Halloween in Saudi, only to re-emerge come the 2020 Royal Rumble.

And this is when Bray Wyatt, his fans, and his WWE legacy could truly shine.

A program between Bray Wyatt and Brock Lesnar would be fantastic, on so many different levels. It’s an opportunity to truly build up The Fiend by creating a scenario where this monster can play mind games with a superstar that has always seemed fearless and unstoppable. It could also offer a chance for Brock Lesnar to help put over Wyatt and his persona in a big way.

Remember how terrified Seth Rollins seemed during the build up of their Hell in a Cell match? Imagine the crowd reaction if Brock Lesnar was in the Architect’s shoes. Imagine Paul Heyman’s role, and how The Advocate could enhance this storyline, as the Fiend manipulates and horrifies someone so close to Lesnar; someone that Brock has always aimed to protect; someone Brock will be too terrified to stand up to if Heyman is placed in the middle.

While I’d love to see this all roll out during WrestleMania season, if the WWE Universe is privy to something like this sooner rather than later, I’m game. Having said that, what are the chances that Brock will actually stick around for WWE television, post-Crown Jewel. Only time will tell.