.@shidahikaru makes her first #AEWDyamite appearance next against the debuting @Shannanjii pic.twitter.com/PCgBmqin1m
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) October 31, 2019
Shanna (0-0) vs. Hikaru Shida (1-1)
Shida and Shanna showed some good technical wrestling in the opening portion of this match, though one of the kicks by Shanna were weak. Shanna followed that up with a great rolling neckbreaker for a near fall. Shanna sent Shida to the floor and went for a tope, but Shida cut her off with a knee to the face.
Shida pulled a chair out from under the ring and jumped off the chair with a running knee on Shanna! That was great. Shida hit a backbreaker in the ring but Shanna kicked out. Shida hit another knee in the corner but only got a 2 count. Shida hit several knees to the torso of Shanna. Shida went for a brainbuster, but Shanna countered with a cradle that Shida kicked out of.
Shida responded with a few strikes, but Shanna blocked another suplex attempt. Shanna ate a forearm and a hurricanrana from Shida, but hit a hurricanrana of her own. Both women hit forearms at the same time, but Shanna hit a flying forearm. Shanna picked up Shida and hit an Angels Wings on Shida, but only got a 2 count.
Shanna went to the top rope but Shida cut her off and went for a vertical suplex. The crowd started to boo Shida a bit here and they started to get behind Shanna. Shanna blocked the suplex but hit a diving double foot stomp right to the face of Shida for a 2 count. Shanna tried to pick Shida up to go for Angel’s Wings again, but Shida blocked it.
Shida pulled Shanna up onto her shoulders and hit an inverted piledriver (Strong Zero or Dude Buster), and both women were down. Shida finally suplexed Shanna from the apron over the top rope and into the ring for a 2 count. Both women exchanged pinfall attempts and Shanna almost got a three. Shida hit a Falcon Arrow, but Shanna kicked out. Shida responded with a Shining Wizard and was able to get the win!
Result: Hikaru Shida (2-1)
Rating: *** (3 stars)
If the crowd was hotter for this one, it would have easily been a higher rating. The action was excellent, and you could hear the buzz in the crowd as both women started to win the crowd over. One of the big things was that they woke up when Justin Roberts said there were only 5 minutes left. The time limits are starting to get over.
A video aired with Brandi Rhodes that was quite odd, but it showed that her alliance with Awesome Kong has continued. It looks like Kong is her hired assassin, so to speak.