IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV: Results, Highlights and Grades for Nov. 5
Michael Elgin vs. Fallah Bahh
The heavyweights immediately go to blows. Series of shoulders blocks and kicks knocking each other back against the ropes. Then a forearm exchange. Series of chops from Bahh, then a kick to the gut and a scoop slam, and a senton for a one count.
Bahh throws Elgin to the corner, but Elgin sidesteps and hits a dropkick to the back. Kicks Bahh out the ring, but Bahh stays on his feet until a wrecking ball dropkick. Back in the ring, Elgin hits a springboard double foot stomp for a one count.
Back to back chest slaps to each other until Elgin chops Bahh with a pump kick, followed by a corner clothesline. Elgin hits a suplex for a two count right before the commercial break.
Back from break, both men trade chops until Elgin drives Bahh’s head into the turnbuckle pad. Bahh “BAHHs” his way into a comeback spot, but Elgin eventually halts it with an exploder suplex. During the replay, Bahh hits a crossbody. Bahh continues his “BAHH” comeback spot.
Goes for a back body drop, but Elgin attempts a powerbomb. Sunset flip sit down spot for Bahh to get a two count. Bahh attempts a powerbomb, but Elgin drops Bahh with a forearm. Series of back to back corner clotheslines till Elgin low kicks Bahh, then hits a German Suplex. Two count.
Elgin hits a belly to belly from the top rope, but Bahh no sells. Elgin nails a Death Valley Driver. Bahh kicks out at one. Forearm attempts from Elgin until he’s hit with a Samoan Drop, then a hip attack, followed by a Canadian Backbreaker for a near fall.
Bahh goes to the top rope, but Elgin attempts a powerbomb, but Bahh fights out of it before Elgin throws him off the top rope. Elgin stomps on his arm. Bahh attempts a clothesline, Elgin attacks the arm again. He struggles to powerbomb him, but nails a crossface for the submission victory.
Winner: Elgin
Grade: B
Enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting. Fun stuff. Really impressed with Bahh. Best performance I’ve seen from him. Far cry from his comedy stuff.
Afterwards, Ace Austin meets with Alisha Edwards. Alisha tells him they can skip dinner and go straight to her hotel room.
After that, the IMPACT World Champion and oVe celebrate backstage some more and offer Tommy Dreamer some carrot cake before calling him fat.