AEW Full Gear 2019: Results, Grades, and Analysis

Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega stare each other down on the Oct. 16, 2019 edition of AEW Dynamite. Photo: Lee South/AEW
Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega stare each other down on the Oct. 16, 2019 edition of AEW Dynamite. Photo: Lee South/AEW /
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Main Show

Our main show opens with a tag team match between The Young Bucks and Proud n’ Powerful!

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) (6-3) vs. Proud n’ Powerful (Santana & Ortiz) (2-0)

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express were at ringside and argued with Santana and Ortiz before hugging the Young Bucks. Nick Jackson started the match with Santana, but all 4 men started throwing punches at each other before it went back to Santana and Nick. Nick tagged out to Matt Jackson, but Santana didn’t see it and Matt speared Santana and started raining down punches before both Bucks hit both men with a tope.

Nick sent Ortiz into the front row while Matt Jackson and Santana began to fight in the ring. Santana looked to tag out, but his partner wasn’t there and so he ate an armdrag and Matt tagged out to Nick. Matt hit a double stomp on Santana’s arm as Santana managed to get to the other corner and tag out.

Santana and Ortiz had some trouble with the referees before looking on a Gory Special w/ a Boston Crab on the Bucks. Ortiz hit a splash on Nick Jackson, and then a planking headbutt for a near fall. Ortiz raked the back of Nick Jackson, but Nick rolled out of his corner into the other corner and Matt Jackson tagged out. Matt Jackson flew over the ring post with cross body to the floor on Ortiz before hitting an elbow on Santana for a 2 count.

Nick hit a kick to Santana’s face, and he fell back onto Matt’s legs. Nick hit a double stomp on Santana. Nick went to the outside and tried to kick Ortiz, but Ortiz ducked and Nick kicked the ring post. Ortiz threw Nick Jackson into the front row while Santana threw Matt into the front row on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express.

Proud n’ Powerful got the heat for a few minutes on Nick Jackson, and as he made a small comeback they cut him off with a dropkick to the knee, which drove Nick Jackson to the mat. Nick and Ortiz started exchanging strikes, but Nick Jackson killed him with a superkick. Matt tagged in and hit his chained Northern Lights Suplexes, and then hit it on both men and continued rolling through for a near fall.

Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson were jumping up and down in the front row with the fans, and that is awesome. Nick Jackson hit a frog splash for a 2 count, and he tagged back out to Matt, selling his leg. Ortiz came and pulled Nick off the apron. Matt ducked an enziguri, but Santana and Ortiz rolled Santana into a cutter on Matt Jackson.

Ortiz hit a dive onto Nick Jackson on the floor while Matt kicked out of a pinfall attempt. Ortiz picked up Matt Jackson and they went for the Street Sweeper, but Matt countered it with a Belly to Belly off Ortiz’s shoulders. Matt Jackson rolled up Ortiz for a near fall, and then hit the Motor City Machine Gun’s finisher for a 2 count.

Nick Jackson went for the Meltzer Driver, and as he did the springboard he fell to the mat, clutching his knee. Matt put Nick onto the top rope to setup More Bang for your Buck, but Santana and Ortiz cut Matt off and sent him back to his corner. Nick tagged in and spit his gum at Santana. Santana picked it up and started chewing it.

Santana spit it back at him and Nick ran wild with kicks, but his leg couldn’t keep up and they powerbombed Nick for a 2 count. Ortiz picked up Nick and Santana and Ortiz hit the Street Sweeper for the pinfall!

Result: Santana and Ortiz (3-0)

Rating: ****1/4 (4.25 stars)

Sammy Guevara came down to the ring after the match and the 3 on 2 beat down started on the Bucks, but the Rock n’ Roll Express made the save and the Bucks helped Ricky Morton fly over the top rope into a Canadian Destroyer on Santana! Morton then flew through the middle rope with a suicide dive onto Guevara and Ortiz! That was awesome.