Impact Wrestling: Results, Highlights and Grades for Nov. 12

Tessa Blanchard stares down Sami Callihan and oVe at IMPACT Wrestling. Photo courtesy IMPACT Wrestling.
Tessa Blanchard stares down Sami Callihan and oVe at IMPACT Wrestling. Photo courtesy IMPACT Wrestling. /
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The North (c) vs. Eddie Edwards and Marufuji – Impact Tag Team Titles

Edwards and Alexander start with a lock up. Pretty evenly matches until Alexander locks a tight wrist lock. Edwards turns it into an overhead headlock. Back to his feet, Marufuji gets the tag and wrenches teh arm, but Alexander fights out of it. Frequent tags to Ethan Page. Series of kicks and headlocks from The North.

Alexander and Marufuji back in, Josh with a headlock till Marufuji fights out. Edwards wrenches the arm until Page gets the tag, but gets his own arm wrench till Page fights out. Runs at Edwards but gets an overhead belly to belly. Josh runs in, but gets back chopped down.

Tag to Marufuji and both him and Edwards hits hard chops to Page’s chest till they knock All EGO down. Stomps on Page, who retailiates with a kick to the gut. Tags in Alexander, who shoulder blocks Marufuji into the corner and kicks at him till making a tag and tag team move attempt on Marufuji before Edwards makes the save. They pull The North to the outside.

Edwards gives Marufuji an assisted dive/kick to Alexander before hitting a suicide dive of his own to Page, leading us to our last commercial break.

Back from break, Marufuji tags to Edwards, who hits a series of chops in the corner to Page. EGO struggles to make it back to his corner, but after reversing and sending Edwards to the outside apron, he tags Alexander, who hits a running elbow into Edwards’ back, sending him off the apron.

Tossing Edwards back in the ring, where he nails decapitator against the bottom rope. The heels tag in an out, whilst hitting some illegal double team moves (i.e. illegal man has Eddie in a full nelson, legal man shoulder blocks). Alexander decides to knock Marufuji off the apron during this melee.

Another tag, leading to a Backbreaker combo from both men in The North before Page makes the pin for a two count. Another tag to Alexander as they kick and stomp Edwards into the corner.

Edwards finally finds an opening for a hot tag. Both men make the tag to their partners as Marufuji makes a big comeback spot against Page.

Alexander tries to make the save, but Marufuji stops him inhis tracks. Open hand slap to Page, but Page recovers with a kick. Edwards (illegal man) hits top rope hurricanarana for the save. Marufuji capitalizes with a pin for a two count. Chop off between Marufuji and Page, before tagging their partners.

Page and Alexander attempt their tag finish but Marufuji reverses and tags Edwards. Comeback spot from Edwards.

Ripcord attempt, but Edwards boots him. Page attempts a boot of his own, but Edwards catches it and tosses Page’s foot into Alexander. Every man down.

Edwards underhooks Alexander, cheeky nandos kick from Marufuji, then a Tiger Driver from Eddie into a pin, which gets reversed into a pin of his own but Alexander gets kicked in the face by Marufuji. Pin by Edwards again for a nearfall.

Chaos ensues until it’s just The North vs. Edwards. He struggles to fight off both men and they plant him with a double team Neutralizer (yes, the Cesaro move) for a near fall. They hit their tag finisher to finally win it and retain.

Winners (AND STILL): The North

Grade: C-

Very disappointing match. Picked up by the end, but about 85% of the match was boring and lacked heat, or even interest/investment from the crowd. Maybe the crowd didn’t buy a title change happening and therefore couldn’t get into it. I hadn’t read spoilers before this, so I was at least open that a title change was possible, but a lot of moves felt repetitive and, again, no heat for investment, but in my case, more because the crowd was mostly dead.

dark. Next. WWE: 3 early potential winners for the Women’s Royal Rumble match

Overall Grade: B-

Last two matches could’ve been better, but the rest of the show was fun stuff.