TONIGHT at 8/7c on @AXSTV!
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 19, 2019
@MichaelElgin25 vs. @GottaGetSwann vs. @TheMooseNation vs. @MrGMSI_BCage vs. @Tess_Blanchard vs. @Daga_wrestler - Elimination Challenge @JordynneGrace vs. @TheTayaValkyrie and @JohnEBravo1st
Rascalz vs. Deaners vs. Reno Scum vs. Desi Hit Squad
Tonight’s IMPACT episode on AXS TV is set to feature a number one contender’s elimination main event between Tessa Blanchard, Rich Swann, Brian Cage, Michael Elgin, Moose and Daga.
Following a cold open video package recapping last week’s events, IMPACT Wrestling opens with a four team tag team match pitting The Rascalz (Des and Wentz) vs. Desi Hit Squad (Raj Singh and Rohit Raju) vs. The Deaners (Cousin Jake and Cody) vs. Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe and Luster the Legend).
Luster and Wentz start with a lock up, Luster with the advantage via an arm wrench, but Wentz gets out of it with flippy stuff. He tags in Des for a bevy of tag team strikes before Des makes the pin for a two count. Speaking of strikes, it takes a kick to the stomach for Luster to get back into this. He tags in Thornstowe to hit a tag team move for a two count.
Following a chokeslam buckle bomb, Thornstowe tags back Luster before the latter drives Des into the former’s arm pit. They isolated Des in the corner, but Des tries his best to fight back. Unfortunately for Des, it is to no avail. The Deaners tag themselves in and work over Luster enough with some dog pile punches to make the pin, but Hit Squad break it up. Hit Squad make their own tag to hit a backbreaker/big boot combo on Deaner.
.@DezmondXavier wipes out EVERYBODY with an amazing dive. #IMPACTonAXSTV
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 20, 2019
Deaner and Raj go at it. The latter hits an Ushigoroshi before driving Deaner into the corner for a big splash, but Deaner ducks it. Cody’s Cousin Jake gets the tag and hits a flurry of powerhouse offense, before Rojit stomps into his back, then goes into the corner for a running senton, but gets caught by a powerbomb. Anarchy breaks loose as everyone hits the ring.
This anarchy includes a suicide dive from Cousin Jake onto everyone on the outside, then a dive from Cousin Jake. Rohit teases his own dive, but waves off the crowd. He then gets kicked in the face by Wentz, who dives onto everyone outside himself instead. Des sets up a dive of his own on everyone, but hits a spaceman plancha outside instead. All eight men are down.
HOT FIRE FLAAAAAAAAAME! #IMPACTonAXSTV @DezmondXavier @zachary_wentz
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 20, 2019
Des tags Rohit allowing Rascalz tag team offense, but Rohit dodges it, allowing the Hit Squad to hit an assisted DDT. Cousin Jakes takes out both men, then he and Cody hit an assisted Uranage. Adam hits the ring and Reno Scum go for their own tag team finish before getting taken out by The Rascalz, who superkick Jake, then hit their standing moonsault assist for the win.
Reno Scum attack the Rascalz after the match, but Trey hits the ring to make the save by dropkicking both men. Suddenly, X Division Champion Ace Austin hits the ring to lay out Trey with a title shot to the face. Not only
He then puts a piece of metal into his wrist tape and clobbers Trey in the face with the loaded backfist, knocking him out cold. The champ and Reno Scum celebrate over Rascalz’s bodies.
.@The_Ace_Austin leaves his #HardToKill challenger in a heap after a loaded back fist. #IMPACTonAXSTV @TheTreyMiguel
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 20, 2019
Winners: Rascalz
Grade: B-
Fun for what it was. The dives got a little repetitive, but again, fun stuff for what it was. Really loved the post-match angle.