WWE has been contemplating releasing a tiered subscription service to their current $9.99-a-month deal for the WWE Network, and it looks like they will roll out a free version of their streaming service soon.
Moving Pay Per Views and building a library of historical professional wrestling content on a streaming service was a visionary step made by Vince McMahon for WWE, and the WWE Network has been one of the best deals for professional wrestling fans due to both the company’s stature and its large amount of content.
From past WWE and WCW shows, original series, interviews, and “Hidden Gem” matches, the Network has included a great deal of content for $9.99 a month. But that’s the name of the game. The company wants to create as much content as possible and keep viewers on their streaming service for as many hours as possible.
WWE have toyed around with the idea of releasing tiered subscription services. Fans willing to pay more than about 10 bucks a month can get additional content, while those who can’t afford that fee or would prefer to pay less can also subscribe.
According to a report from PWInsider.com’s Mike Johnson, WWE will be releasing its first “tier” within a week. And it will be a “free” tier.
This free tier is intriguing for more reasons than the lack of a price tag, which would make the Network more accessible to fans. It will be interesting to see how many commercials are in the free package, what type of content is available, and if there are certain limits to how far back (or even how recent) the content goes.
WWE’s “free” tier should be exciting for fans who cannot subscribe to the Network or cannot justify paying for another streaming service among a sea of companies with streaming services. Hopefully, the free tier rolls out smoothly and offers sufficient options for wrestling fans despite the lack of a price tag.