Five faces WWE surprisingly didn’t use to their full potential

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Dakota Kai

Let’s start with the most recent example, Dakota Kai. The “Captain of Team Kick” had all the makings of a great underdog.

Kai just has a certain charm about her that makes you want to like her no matter how many times she loses. She does a great job gaining sympathy. Moreover, she always pulls off incredible comebacks due to her fighting spirit and hard-hitting moveset.

Still, there was never a real payoff to all her struggles. She never got that big win that could’ve propelled her character forward. WWE had the opportunity to give her one heading into NXT TakeOver: WarGames, but instead, they’re doing another “best friends who split up” angle.

In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past two weeks, Dakota Kai underwent one of the biggest character shifts of the year at the event. She took Mia Yim’s spot in the first-ever women’s WarGames match after Ripley cast her aside when putting her team together.

Kai had other plans. When she was supposed to enter the match, she turned around and relentlessly attacked her friend and partner, Tegan Nox.

Of course, her heel turn was incredibly well executed. It was vicious and Dakota played up it with conviction. Still, it’s hard not to lament about what could’ve been. Kai had the potential to be a game-changer on a roster devoid of many pure babyface wrestlers.