Five faces WWE surprisingly didn’t use to their full potential

WWE, Bayley Credit:
WWE, Bayley Credit: /
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We can’t talk about Dakota Kai without mentioning the woman many fans believed she bared some similarities to: Bayley. This entry shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Bayley is one of the biggest missed opportunities from NXT by far.

She has enjoyed her most success on the main roster this year in terms of sheer accomplishment. However, she never reached the heights she could have with “The Hugger.” That’s a shame because she was one of the best protagonists on NXT. Her last year with the “black and gold brand” was so much fun.

She seemed primed for a lucrative tenure run on the main roster. There was no other woman on the roster that had the chance to be as marketable to young girls as Bayley. She had a unique look and above all, she can wrestle.

It’s still quite baffling how WWE managed to screw things up with her. They didn’t present main roster fans with the same tenacious, fun-loving, superfan that we were accustomed to. Instead, they infantized her and made her look incapable of winning on her own. That started to change earlier this year but by then the damage was already done.

Now, Bayley is more interesting than she has been a long time, but she still doesn’t feel as special as she did in 2015.