AEW Dynamite was stacked to the gills this week with several marquee matches and segments.
Dynamite started off fast this week with a elite level tag match featuring Kenny Omega and “Hangman” Adam Page taking on The Lucha Bros.
Kenny Omega & “Hangman” Adam Page (1-0 in tag team action) vs Lucha Bros (4-4 in tag team action)
Omega and Fenix start off in the ring as the crowd showered both men in cheers. The two lock up until Fenix flips out of the exchange. The two men counter each others offense several times. Omega hits a Kitaro Crusher and Fenix tags out to Pentagon. Omega tags in Hangman and “The Cowboy” stares down Pentagon, who slowly peels off his glove. Hangman peels off his wrist tape and gets in Pentagon’s face as the two powerhouses trade chops. Pentagon hits a nasty superkick but gets laid out by a running boot from Hangman. Omega and Hangman ping pong Pentagon back and forth with chops until Fenix charges in, and gets laid out for his troubles.
Pentagon hits an enzuigiri on the apron to Hangman and refocuses on Omega. Omega counters his offense with a hurricanrana and hits The Rise of The Terminator on both his opponents. Hangman slides back in and almost gets hit with a package piledriver from Pentagon. The Lucha Bros double team Hangman with a diving stomp/Codebreaker combo.
#TheLuchaBrothers are bringing their style of attack tonight in Corpus Christi! Watch #AEWDynamite NOW on @TNTDrama 8e/7c #AEWonTNT @AEWonTNT
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) December 19, 2019
Pentagon works over Hangman in the corner with kicks and lariats until Hangman counters with a lariat of his own. Omega gets tagged in and runs wild on Pentagon and Fenix. Omega hits You Can’t Escape on Pentagon but gets countered when Pentagon gets his knees up. Pentagon drags Omega out of the ring and sets Fenix up for a suicide dive which garners the Lucha Bros a close two count.
Fenix tags in but Omega has some life in him and fights back. Omega throws Fenix to the ropes but Fenix hits a rebound spinning kick but Omega isn’t done yet and hits a nasty knee strike to Fenix. Pentagon runs interference and knocks Hangman off the apron as Pentagon work over Omega as the ref gets distracted by Fenix.
Hangman finally gets the hot tag and fights off both Lucha Bros as he hits a lovely suplex and hits a quartet of dives to his opponents. Hangman hits a series of lariats to both of the Lucha Bros and hits an insane dropkick moonsault combo. Fenix hits a wild sole butt kick off the ropes and nails a rolling DDT which gives him a close two count.
The Bros are back in control as they hit a combo wheelbarrow splash. Pentagon knocks Omega down on the apron as he refocuses on Hangman. Pentagon goes up to the top but gets stopped by Hangman who hits him with a slam off the top.
Omega gets tagged in and goes after both brothers as he powerbombs Fenix into Pentagon. Hangman comes in and the two hit combo maneuvers but they still can’t get the pinfall. Omega goes for the V-Trigger but gets countered into a slingblade by Pentagon as everyone hits their signature strikes. Omega hits a dragon suplex on Fenix and almost gets piledriven by Pentagon.
HANGMAN ACCIDENTALLY HITS OMEGA. The Lucha Bros hit their tag team finisher on the hurt Omega to secure the win.
Result: The Lucha Bros (5-4)
Rating: *** 1/2 (3 & 1/2 stars)
Hangman goes to help Omega up but the duo start arguing and pushing each other. PAC appears on the tron and threatens Omega. PAC tells the camera man to follow him. PAC insinuates to the camera that he is going to attack a distracted Michael Nakazawa. Omega runs off to save Nakazawa.
A great match that teased a heel turn well. The PAC segment was nice way to continue his feud with Omega as now PAC seems determined to hurt Omega in multiple personal ways.