WWE: 5 things that could be inside Erick Rowan’s secret cage

WWE, Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan (Photo by Monica Schipper/FilmMagic)
WWE, Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan (Photo by Monica Schipper/FilmMagic)

One of the biggest mysteries in WWE today is exactly what resides inside of Erick Rowan’s secret cage, but what has the potential to be under that burlap cover?

Since being drafted to WWE Raw, Erick Rowan has started bringing a mysterious burlap-covered cage to the ring with him. He’s taken on various local competitors who have, for some inexplicable reason, tried to peek under the cage.

Unfortunately for everyone who tried that, it would become an exercise in “curiosity killed the jobber,” and they’ve all been on the receiving end of brutal beatdown by Erick Rowan. After exhaustive consideration, I’ve determined the five most likely things to be inside Erick Rowan’s cage.

1. Bearded Dragon

The first option that could reside inside Erick Rowan’s cage would be a bearded dragon. It’s not exactly a stretch to believe that the guy who wears heavy metal t-shirts every week and used to dress like a gothic Dungeons and Dragons character (The Bludgeon Brothers) would be a fan of dragons.

When it comes to keeping lizards of any kind as pets, bearded dragons are a common favorite that could certainly be trained and safely kept inside the cage for brief stints before returning to a larger enclosure. If there’s an animal inside that cage, my money is on it being a bearded dragon.


2. Just a camera

While it might be the least exciting option, we have to face that the possibility that there’s just a camera inside that cage and that’s what Rowan is talking to. It’s the most logical explanation for the videos we’ve seen of him peering inside the cage itself.

It might be disappointing on the surface for there just to be a camera inside the cage, but it would actually make Rowan even more terrifying. If he’s so unstable that he’s been talking to a camera this entire time, what could he truly be capable of inside the ring?

3. Erick Rowan’s own WWE contract

There was a lot of speculation that the cage contained Luke Harper’s WWE contract, as Harper had been trying to garner his release from WWE for quite some time. He’s actually been released now, but Rowan continues to carry the cage.

He might be carrying his own contract inside the cage, focusing on the exact day when he’ll be free from WWE and the system that has him oddly speaking into cages while squashing nobodies on a weekly basis.

4. Triple H’s “Go Directly to NXT” card

You know how there’s a “Get Out of Jail Free” card in Monopoly? Well, that’s basically what this mythical piece of paper could be. Instead of having to continue to navigate the waters of Raw or SmackDown, Erick Rowan could be gearing up to play a “Go Directly to NXT” card gifted to him by Triple H.

It’s probably the same card that Finn Balor used to bounce back to his old home. If he returned to NXT, Erick Rowan would find himself in a world with potential dream hoss fights against Killian Dain, Donovan Dijakovic, Keith Lee, Damien Priest, and more.

5. Merick Rowan inside of a snowglobe

The final, and in my opinion most likely, option is that the cage contains Merick Rowan magically trapped inside of a snowglobe. If you don’t know the tragic tale of Merrick Rowan, do yourself a favor and read up. Truly tragic.

In the above interview, Rowan talks about protecting someone he loves from this cruel and dangerous world. Could his long lost twin brother be the one Erick Rowan is protecting?

In a WWE where The Fiend seems to have a firm grasp on the supernatural, it’s reasonable that Rowan could have devised a way to trap Merick inside a snowglobe and safely keep him by his side. If we ever find out what’s inside Erick Rowan’s cage, you can be sure the reveal will be unforgettable.