WWE SmackDown: Results, Highlights and Grades for December 27th

WWE, Roman Reigns (Photo by Ron ElkmanSports Imagery/Getty Images)
WWE, Roman Reigns (Photo by Ron ElkmanSports Imagery/Getty Images) /
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The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin

Immediately, Bryan and Miz work together to attack and kick Corbin to death. Corbin avoids a double clothesline. Miz gets a two count after school boy pinning Bryan. Both men shove each other before trading punching. Bryan hits his comeback backflip before suicide diving onto Corbin on the outside, then knees Miz off the apron.

Corbin sends Bryan into the timekeeper’s area before tossing Miz shoulder first into the barricade. Back in the ring, he forearms The Miz to his knees, where Miz jawbreakers Corbin. But Corbin responds by tossing Miz shoulder first into the ring post before running out the ring to clothesline Bryan.

Corbin then hits a chokeslam backbreaker on Miz. Miz tries to fight back, but it’s to no avail against the bigger Corbin.

Bryan intervenes, kicking Corbin into Miz who hits a neckbreaker on Corbin. They then take turns clotheslining and kicking Corbin in the corner. Corbin sends Bryan to the outside before Deep Sixing Miz, but turns around into missile dropkick from Bryan.

Back from commercial, Bryan and Miz trade roll ups before trading blows. Miz big boots Corbin. Tries the same on Bryan, but Bryan ducks it, but Miz nails his snap DDT. Miz moves on to It! Kick Corbin in the corner before locking in the Figure Four. Before Corbin taps, Bryan big splashes Corbin from the top rope for a pin attempt. Miz can do nothing as Corbin kicks out.

Corbin reverses the pressure of the submission as Bryan locks a Yes! Lock on Corbin before Miz is forced to break it. Miz and Bryan trade chops. Bryan sent to the outside.

Corbin reverses a Skull Crushing Finale into an End of Days, but Bryan breaks up the pin attempt in time.

Miz sent out as Bryan hits a Running Knee, but Ziggler runs in to Superkick Bryan and pulls Corbin’s limp body onto Bryan, but before he could get the three count, Roman Reigns pulls Corbin out the ring and clotheslines him over the barricade. Now, it appears this match is boiling down between Miz and Bryan.

Back from one last commercial break, Miz climbs to the top rope after a corner clothesline, but Bryan meets him there fore a superplex, but Bryan hangs on the top rope to hit a diving move, but Miz cuts him off. He leaps to the top to hit a diving shin breaker on Bryan’s injured leg. Series of It! Kicks to follow up.

Eventually, Bryan grabs one and slaps Miz in the face, sending Miz to his knees to hit his series of Yes! Kicks. But the kicks bothers Bryan’s injured knee, especially as Miz smashes Bryan’s knee with another shin breaker on the last kick attempt. He continues stomping out Bryan’s knee.

Miz attempts a Figure Four, but Miz sends him outside. Miz goes for a springboard, but Bryan turns it into an armbar, then a Yes! Lock. Miz tries to fight out by biting Bryan’s hand and turns it into a pin for a nearfall. Bryan strikes Miz in the head with a roundhouse kick.

Bryan signals another Running Knee, but Bryan turns it into a Skull Crushing Finale for a nearfall, but Miz immediately turns it into a Figure Four. Bryan aches and wrenches in pain, but the two exchange punches while in the lock until the hold his broken. He then turns it into a modified Label Lock until Miz is forced to tap out.

Daniel Bryan is going to the Rumble to face The Fiend! Speaking of, Bray Wyatt hits the titantron for an impromptu Firefly Fun House to congratulate Bryan. Wyatt says he isn’t sure if “he’s” done with Bryan. He asks if Bryan is able to do whatever it takes to “let him in.”

Of course, Bryan answers with a resounding “YES! YES! YES! YES” to close out the final SmackDown of the year.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Grade: A

This was one of the most fun triple threat matches I’ve ever seen. Maybe ever. Plus, the right guy won, and that’s never a bad thing. Great match to put a cap on WWE’s 2019.

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Overall Grade: B

Despite a strange road to the main event, the main event itself was pretty great and so was a lot of the segments and matches in between the show. Set up a lot of interesting storylines and feuds heading into 2020 and I for one cannot wait to see where WWE takes all of them next year.