Arn Anderson will make you more frustrated with WWE missing on Cesaro

WWE, Cesaro (Photo by Peter Fox/Getty Images)
WWE, Cesaro (Photo by Peter Fox/Getty Images)

It’s crazy to think that Cesaro has never won a world title in WWE, even though he has been one of the best wrestlers in the company for a long time.

The arguments against Cesaro being a bigger star in WWE are about as flimsy as they get. Like, anyone peddling Vince “I hate it when someone gets over with the fans, and it wasn’t my genius!” McMahon’s narrative of Cesaro lacking charisma can get in the bin. Because Cesaro is smooth as hell and is dripping charisma. Have you seen the man rip off his suit in the ring? Even Shane McMahon was impressed!

Anyway, Cesaro has been in WWE’s system for nearly a decade, first signing with FCW in 2011 after being an absolute monster on the independent scene. Nobody is forgetting his work with Chris Hero any time soon.

Cesaro’s absolutely had success in WWE. He’s won the United States Championship and the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, put on banger match after banger match (never forget his match in NXT with Sami Zayn), and is a six-time tag team champion. For the most part, he’s been utilized by WWE as a tag team wrestler, forming two all-time great tag teams with Tyson Kidd and Sheamus.

But he’s never had a sniff of a world championship in WWE, no matter how many writers – or even how many of his colleagues – have sung his praises over the years as a man who has earned a world title.

If you want to get even more frustrated by how WWE has booked Cesaro over the years as a guy with a limited ceiling as a singles star, listen to pro wrestling legend and former WWE road agent Arn Anderson talk about it.

Here’s what he said on the ARN Podcast, via’s Anutosh Bajpai:

"“He’s not a favorite guy, as you know, of the front office, for whatever reason that is. They’re the only ones that know because everyone else across the planet seems to think he’s a Superstar. But he continued to get leaned on to stop doing all that stuff [impressive moves] as a heel. It was just too flashy and all that stuff.”"

I mean, how many times have we heard something along these lines? “Not a favorite guy.”

It reminds me of Rusev, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, and any other charismatic wrestler or superb athlete who got crazy over with the fans at one point and then never reaped the rewards they earned in the form of a REAL push.

And for what? Because Vince McMahon is too stubborn? Because he can’t listen to the fans? Because he loves leaving money on the table?

And “too flashy”? The King Corbin route isn’t the only way to have a great heel in wrestling. Just look at promotions like NJPW and their successful heels.

That said, Cesaro’s definitely carved out a nice career for himself in WWE as a valued tag team wrestler and occasional mid-card guy who can have an amazing match with anyone. It’s just, we all wish – seemingly Arn Anderson included – that Cesaro could have gotten opportunities matching his immense talent.