ACH has earned a ‘cool’ comeback in his post-WWE career

Jordan Myles William Regal WWE NXT
Jordan Myles William Regal WWE NXT

ACH’s departure from the WWE was widely-talked about but months later fans should hope this is the start of what can be a “cool” comeback story.

The global pandemic that has brought the world to a stand still gave people a lot of time to reflect on past actions. ACH, the wrestler formerly known as Jordan Myles, recent comments show that he took the time to reflect on the way he exited the WWE and his comments that led to the parting.

In listening to him speak with his friends during his first post-WWE interview ACH has feelings on what occurred, but stands strong in his convictions. While some may disagree, there’s a place for ACH in professional wrestling. A place that many hopes he does not walk away from.

The 2019 situation that led to ACH leaving the WWE does not need much rehashing. The fallout was what one would expect. Many fans loudly argued against ACH’s comments. Others pointed to a variety of examples to where the WWE has shown less than favorable treatment of minorities on television.

The end was he was swiftly cut from the company. Less than a year later it’s interesting to hear from ACH as he stands firm in his belief and wonders what’s next for him in the industry.

That opportunity to wrestle should come at some point. Professional wrestling is an industry that has welcomed back everyone from those who have shared homophobic messages, accused pedophiles and others that have publicly used racist language. ACH admits to not using the best of delivery, but he’s far from any of those things and shouldn’t be shunned by the industry he loves so.

“Being called a racist is the one that really hurts my feelings,” ACH said during his first post-WWE interview with his friends on the Submission Squad. “Here I am standing up against racism and I’m the one being called racist. It’s a s**t situation because all I want to do is wrestle.”

It was clear that ACH was upset and hurt by the situation. So much so that he lashed out on social media, defended himself against fans and even posted an internal communication with a WWE employee. He pointed to that anger and the mistakes he made in responding in that way.

“I wish I turned my phone off and let things die down. I felt like I was trying to be heard and I felt like I was constantly being ignored,” ACH said. “I do not like to be that angry. There is no reason for anyone to be that angry.”

It is easy to sit back and throw insults at ACH or claim that his actions were immature. Yet, listening to him explain everything that went down leading up and after the matter paints a picture of a man who was hurt by an aspect of the industry that he wanted the most.

The WWE is recognized as the biggest player in the professional wrestling industry. Regardless of feelings about the content presented each week or the politics that go on behind the scenes; it is the largest organization in the industry with the most opportunity for exposure.

ACH’s words reveal a real sorrow for what occurred, but his voice should not be ignored. He’s a very talented performer in every way. That’s more than enough for him to get a second opportunity in professional wrestling.

“I want to go somewhere, and I want to be valued. I want to be an asset. If I make money for this person, I can make money for myself,” ACH said. “This can be a cool comeback or a s****y ending.”

Fans should push for the former rather than the latter.