WWE Raw Biggest Winners: Insane Seth Rollins now the focal point

WWE, Seth Rollins (Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP)
WWE, Seth Rollins (Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP) /
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Seth Rollins

Where do we begin with this one? If Becky Lynch made the biggest announcement on the show and Randy Orton and Edge took the main event slot, Seth Rollins had the most eventful night in terms of what’s next.

Rollins received congratulations from Rey Mysterio, who gave Seth some kind words about the meaningfulness of fatherhood and offered to shake his hand. Instead of shaking Rey’s hand, Rollins stood there angrily, staring forward and snubbing the WWE legend.

The handshake snub was significant, because Rollins surprised fans when he shook Drew McIntyre’s hand after their grueling match at Money in the Bank.

But instead of becoming more respectful or being changed by fatherhood – as The Miz once claimed to be – Rollins absolutely lost his mind. In his tag match with Murphy, he did nothing. He stood there looking deranged, his hair all out of place as he did not even react to Murphy asking for help.

Suddenly, when Rollins was struck, he sprung into. action and committed an incredibly heinous act, stabbing Rey Mysterio in the freaking eye with the steel steps. And he did this for a good 30 seconds, relishing in Mysterio’s agony.

Afterward, Rollins seemed to want to apologize to Mysterio, but how can he act like he didn’t know what he did? Is he possessed? Has false prophethood fully turned him into a lost soul?

We’re eager to find out what’s next for Seth Rollins on WWE Raw, because he is in an emotional crisis after another big loss, Becky’s announcement, and his own general delusions of grandeur. He needs to come back to earth fast, but will that happen?