5 Post-WWE Matches for Drew Gulak

WWE, Drew Gulak Photo credit: WWE.com
WWE, Drew Gulak Photo credit: WWE.com /
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Zack Sabre, Jr.

For the past forever, Zack Sabre, Jr., has staked a claim to the title of “Best Technical Wrestler on the Planet.” What better way for Drew Gulak to reacquaint himself with the non-WWE wrestling world than by challenging for that moniker himself?

Much like with Eddie Kingston, Sabre and Gulak have met in the ring in the past, including in WWE! While their better matches may have been held under the EVOLVE banner, a second round bout in the Cruiserweight Classic in 2016 is likely their highest profile match. Over the course of their careers, ZSJ holds a 4-2 edge over Gulak in singles matches.

Again, though, things have changed since their last bout at EVOLVE 73 in 2016. Sabre joined the roster of New Japan Pro Wrestling, winning the New Japan Cup in 2018. He’s also held the RevPro British Heavyweight Championship on multiple occasions.

Honestly, the concept of Sabre and Gulak wrestling a straight-up technical clinic is intriguing enough. But what if the two students of the game decided to go old-school BritWres, and did a World of Sport style bout? Break out the Admiral-Lord Mountevans rule book like the good old days, and watch a multiple round showcase.

Whatever the situation or scenario, anyone who doesn’t think Drew Gulak vs. Zack Sabre, Jr., could bring down the house is insane. Even if technical masterpieces aren’t your style of wrestling, this would be like watching Bach and Handel dueling at the organ in the Baroque Period. They are the best in the world at what they do, and given the chance to potentially one-up the other, both would pull out all the stops to show their superiority.