The 5 Best Tag Team Champions in WWE History

WWE SmackDown, The New Day Photo:
WWE SmackDown, The New Day Photo: /
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Edge & Christian

WWF Tag Team Championships: 7x

For the benefit of those with flash photography, it’s

Sexton Hardcastle

Edge & Christian


! Brought in as members of Gangrel’s own thrall, The Brood which itself was a subgroup of The Ministry of Darkness (The 1990s were complicated and weird, okay?), Edge and Christian freed themselves of their vampiric master, Gangrel and were quick to become fan favorites.

Though Edge & Christian came up short in the inaugural (and thank goodness, ONLY) Terri Invitational Tournament at the hands of The Hardy Boyz, these Canadian comrades quickly became regular fixtures in the WWE tag team division. The two became known for their posing antics and the lengths at which they would go to antagonize their opponents both outside and inside of the ring (see: Los Conquistadores).

The two secured their place in tag team history by defeating The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz in the historic WrestleMania 2000 Triangle Ladder Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships.

Next. 5 recent WWE releases we want to see in AEW. dark

I hope you all enjoyed this. If your favorites didn’t make the cut, no hard feelings. This is all subjective, and we all have different tastes. Stay safe out there and wash your hands.