AJ Styles attacks CM Punk instead of supporting Black Lives Matter

WWE, AJ Styles (Photo by Che Rosales/Getty Images)
WWE, AJ Styles (Photo by Che Rosales/Getty Images)

AJ Styles’ words confirm CM Punk was correct in the first place.

Professional wrestling fans may admit that WWE superstar AJ Styles is one of the best in the ring, but he remains an unpopular figure for his actions outside of it.

Styles’ past homophobia is acknowledged by wrestling fans, and CM Punk brought this up in now-deleted Twitter posts when a fan brought up that Styles hasn’t tweeted anything in support of Black Lives Matter in the time that protests against police murdering Black people have occurred across the entire country.

Punk’s response? “Well. Come on. that one has been obvious for years.”

Instead of finally saying something in support of Black Lives Matter – a low bar that even former “All Lives Matter” member Randy Orton managed to clear – Styles decided to drop the bar even lower to his level.

He took a shot at CM Punk.

In an interview with the Times of India, Styles flatly – you know, like his opinion of the Earth – stated that he has no respect for Punk when asked for his response to Punk calling him out for not supporting Black Lives Matter:

"“I will not react at all coming from a guy that I don’t [have] any respect [for] anyway. It doesn’t really matter. Look, my job as a performer is to perform and get the mind off all the things that have happened throughout the world. I am not going to react to people saying ridiculous and stupid things.”"

So let me get this straight. Someone (subtly) calling you out for using homophobic slurs in the past (that you have never addressed, nor apologized for) and not supporting Black Lives in the present is “saying ridiculous” things? And why didn’t you say anything about Black Lives Matter in response to the question?

I would say that AJ Styles just told on himself, but he already told on himself a while ago. He’s basically quadrupling down on who he is as a person, somehow thinking that people are going to see him not respecting Punk as the big story here.

The big story here is you deflecting onto Punk instead of speaking up for a basic human rights issue.

But I guess being an uncaring, selfish person earns you respect? That’s how a “real man” acts, right?

The truth is, no matter how many great matches AJ Styles places in the ring, wrestling fans ultimately will never respect him for who he is as a person. And that’s all on him.