WWE: Wrestlemania’s 5 Greatest Finishes

WWE WrestleMania (Stephen M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel/TNS via Getty Images)
WWE WrestleMania (Stephen M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel/TNS via Getty Images) /
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WWE WrestleMania 12: Boyhood Dream

Here we have yet a third pick involving Shawn Michaels. He comes in again at number 1, and you know what? There’s a good reason why they call him ‘Mr. WrestleMania’.  The biggest PPV of the year is never a dull one when you have someone who a lot of fans consider being the greatest in-ring performer, period.

Shawn captured a golden ticket by winning the 1996 Royal Rumble. He also fell into the position of defending that right against Owen Hart. Where he went on to face Owen’s brother, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart at WrestleMania 12 and challenged for the WWE championship.

This main event wasn’t any typical stipulation, not at all. Whoever walked out that arena carrying the gold would have proven their metal to the World because both men endured a 60-minute iron man match to determine the winner.

Bret Hart is regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers of all time. He entered the title match as a four-time WWE champion and a certified main event attraction. His style complimented the athleticism of the challenger, and together they went all out to showcase their absolute best.

The iron man match initially came to a draw, the clock ending with no falls. Bret left the ring and walked towards the back carrying the strap. An announcement made by the late great Howard Finkel made a surprise announcement that beckoned the champion back to continue the bout under sudden death rules.

It is important to note, Shawn Michaels clawed to get this opportunity and keep his dreams alive. The draw spelled an end to that ambition of becoming champion. Naturally, that would have been an awful way to end WrestleMania. When Howard Finkel declared the continuation of the match, the fans were immediately rejuvenated with excitement. Hope was still alive and the emotional rollercoaster carried on.

Shawn Michaels dug the deepest under sudden death rules and sealed the deal with the ‘Sweet Chin Music’ to capture his first-ever WWE Championship. As soon as the three-count happened, his head went into his hands and the newly crowned champion was seen overwhelmed with emotion.

Vince McMahon on commentary made a comment that is forever etched into the history of WrestleMania and the career of Shawn Michaels which beautifully reflected how much this moment meant to him. “The boyhood dream has come true” Vince spoke with pitch-perfect infliction.

To me, this signifies the power of WrestleMania. It isn’t all about spectacles, it is about emotion and dreams. Each year fans are eagerly waiting to see such defining milestones achieved by wrestlers they’ve supported ever since they laid eyes on them. This is the place where legends are made and on this night, March 31st, 1996, Shawn Michaels broke through the glass ceiling.

Here’s an interesting thought, had WWE kept the title on Bret, how different would the future had panned out? What is for certain, Shawn Michaels went on to be instrumental in other classic WrestleMania matches and what helped him build that legacy stemmed from WrestleMania 12 when he defeated Bret Hart.

dark. Next. How does CM Punk's pipebomb hold up today?

How do you feel about these picks, do any ring true or are there any way off the mark?

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