Roderick Strong vs. Dexter Lumis, Strap Match
Result: Dexter Lumis wins by submission
Grade: B+, This was a hard-hitting, psychological match that had people on the edge of their seat. Another strong showing from Dexter Lumis.
Dexter Lumis stared blankly, as usual, in the ring, and Roderick Strong was scared to get into the ring to face Lumis with the strap around his left wrist. But Strong finally walked in after yelling, “Back up!” at Lumis, stretching around aimlessly. He wouldn’t even attach the strap either, immediately going after Lumis with his fists before Lumis finally attached the strap on Strong to officially start it. And strong was SCARED!
Lumis just kept pulling the strap towards him when Strong was outside the ring, so that Strong kept smashing into the ring apron. But when Lumis went outside the ring, Strong finally turned the tide of the match a little bit.
When the battle with the strap got to the stage area, Lumis realized something. With two cars there, Lumis could use the trunk to get into Strong’s head again! But Strong noticed and desperately fought back, moving away from the trunk and using the stage to take some of the wind out of the bigger opponent. He finally got some real breathing room with an Olympic Slam onto the floor!
Back in the ring, Lumis got the momentum back, and when the speed of the match picked up again, so did Lumis. He hit a running bulldog and a lovely slingshot vertical suplex. Strong tried to beg him off, but he ate some NASTY shots with the strap!
Another big chance came for Strong when he hit another one of his excellent superplexes, but Lumis kicked out. So Strong had the idea of tying him up in the strap to use for a submission! Lumis, though, literally crawled OUT of the ring to break it up!
Bobby Fish tried to get involved to give Strong an Undisputed Era lift, but he ended up crashing and burning a couple of times, either by the strap or by Lumis pushing Strong into him. Lumis then tied Strong up in the strap and got him in his own submission!
And Strong tapped! Lumis picked up a huge win!