WWE SmackDown Results and Grades: The greatest tribute ever

WWE, Sasha Banks, Bayley Photo: WWE.com
WWE, Sasha Banks, Bayley Photo: WWE.com
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Sheamus has a toast to Jeff Hardy

Grade: F, Save yourself the embarrassment of watching this segment, which is part of a disgusting storyline that WWE should not be running. There may be a way to present a storyline about addiction in wrestling, but this definitely isn’t it. Who is this for?

Jeff Hardy came out first and called out Sheamus to come out, saying he’s ready and doesn’t see what Sheamus can do to embarrass or break him.

Sheamus comes up on the titantron, welcoming Hardy to his bar. He told Hardy that he needed the space anyway and then praised Hardy for coming to the Undertaker’s defense, getting praised by his colleagues. And the insults about Hardy’s struggles with addiction came…

The worst part of all this was that Hardy was in the ring with a bunch of bottles of alcohol (hopefully they weren’t real bottles) around him in the ring on tables. Sheamus gave Hardy a “proper toast” with a horrible poem about Hardy’s struggles, and they do not bear repeating.

Hardy spoke about how disgusting it was for Sheamus to insult his family and to make the very real struggles of addiction a joke. Sheamus responded by saying that he’s there to help Hardy by getting Hardy to become addicted again, and he kept encouraging Hardy to take the drink in the ring from his personal bartender.

So then Hardy took the drink, told Sheamus he would drink it, pretended to drink it, and then poured the drink out on the bartender before breaking the glass over him. He closed it off with a Swanton Bomb.