WWE Raw Predictions: Dolph Ziggler Will Ban The Claymore

WWE, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode Credit: WWE.com
WWE, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode Credit: WWE.com /
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3a.) Bobby Lashley (w/MVP) vs. Cedric Alexander (w/Ricochet) [Grudge Match]

On last week’s WWE Raw, Bobby Lashley defeated Ricochet in a bloodbath while Cedric Alexander was at ringside. It would be convenient for Bobby Lashley to simply wrestle the other half of the 2 Fly Crew, Cedric Alexander. Alexander has not been involved in in-ring competition on Raw in a very long time, so it should be fun to see him in the ring again.

On this week’s WWE Raw, Bobby Lashley should defeat Cedric Alexander. He needs this momentum to build himself up as a credible number one contender for Apollo Crews’ United States Championship, come WWE Extreme Rules 2020. It’s only a matter of time until he wins his second United States Championship of his career.

Prediction: Bobby Lashley

3a.) Apollo Crews (c) vs. MVP (w/Bobby Lashley) [United States Championship]

On last week’s WWE Raw, MVP defeated Apollo Crews in a non-title match. This miraculous victory should warrant a future championship opportunity for MVP. That championship match should occur on this week’s episode to stall until Bobby Lashley battles Crews at Extreme Rules.

On this week’s WWE Raw, Apollo Crews should retain the United States Championship against Bobby Lashley’s manager, MVP, to maintain his momentum as the United States Champion. This is typical WWE booking for the mid-card, so there should not be any swerves or surprises here.

Prediction: Apollo Crews