WWE: The top 5 beatdowns caused by Brock Lesnar in history

WWE, Brock Lesnar(Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP)
WWE, Brock Lesnar(Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP) /
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Zach Gowen: August 21, 2003

Throughout the history of WWE, there have been wrestlers that have broken the mold for what a typical WWE superstar looks like. We as fans have witnessed everything from The Great Khali to Hornswoggle compete inside the squared circle, but somehow, WWE always manages to deliver surprises when it comes to their talent. This was never more evident than in 2003, when WWE decided to sign Zach Gowen, whose left leg was amputated at the age of eight, to a contract.

Although Zach Gowen had some huge obstacles early on in his life, he overcame those issues to live out his dream of being a professional wrestler. A true feel-good story, the journey of how Zach Gowen earned his contract was one that drew fans in. The man had to defeat The Big Show, and even though he received some assistance from his fellow superstars, it was an amazing victory nonetheless. Unfortunately for Gowen, his path in WWE came to intertwine with Brock Lesnar’s.

Fresh into his heel turn on SmackDown, Brock Lesnar needed a way to showcase his new merciless streak. Facing a one-legged wrestler alone was a step in the right direction, but what Lesnar did during the contest is something that those who witnessed it will never forget.

Within the first few minutes of the match, Brock Lesnar had the young superstar down and out. Things got even worse when Lesnar chose to F5 Gowen’s right leg into the ring post, even going so far as to taunt Gowen’s mother who was sitting in horror at ringside. For good measure, the Beast grabbed a steel chair, blasting Gowen with one of the hardest chair shots to the head in the history of the business.

Finally, as his opponent was being carted out by paramedics, Lesnar flipped over the stretcher holding Gowen, leaving him on the entrance ramp. Without a doubt, this was one of the most heinous acts ever performed by Brock Lesnar in WWE.