Lucha Bros vs. FTR
Result: FTR win with a huge heel move
Grade: A-, Great tag match that met expectations with a twisted finish. The tag team wrestling skills of all four men were on display, with Fenix putting in another stellar performance. After what Harwood did to Fenix, these two teams have to go at it again.
Pentagon Jr. got the match started off with Dax Harwood, and the action was immediately at a high intensity. The chops came early in the corner, and this was a physical battle with no room for technique in the first furious minute. Then Fenix came in to help Pentagon gain an advantage over the Young Bucks’ eventual opponents.
FTR started to get an advantage with a great double-team move on Fenix. Harwood even started pulling at Fenix’s mask, heeling it up. Butcher and Blade continued to watch on the outside.
Harwood cleaned house out of the break, suplexing Pentagon on top of Fenix at one point! After Harwood mowed down Pentagon again, Fenix tried to turn the tables, but he got smashed into the turnbuckles for his efforts! Harwood was on fire!
Finally, the Lucha Bros got back on top, teaming together on Cash Wheeler and showing their unmatched tag team chemistry. Wheeler was able to kick out at two, but Harwood was nowhere to be found for the tag.
Fenix went on the top rope as Pentagon held down Wheeler, but Wheeler was able to get out of the way just as Harwood started getting back in the ring. FTR were able to get a tag team maneuver off the top rope, but Pentagon broke it up at the last second.
A great spot happened when both tag teams went for top rope splashes, but they were both countered by the opposition getting their knees up!
Wheeler and Pentagon fought precariously on the ring apron, with Wheeler having to withstand more fierce Pentagon chops. Neither could hit a brainbuster, but the sequence ended with an AMAZING tope into a DDT from Wheeler! Right after, Fenix followed it up with an Escalera onto Wheeler!
The match ended with Harwood flipping off Fenix’s mask and rolling him up! What an evil way to win the match!