WWE Extreme Rules 2020 Results and Grades: Sasha Banks Shocked The World

Sasha Banks, WWE Credit: WWE.com
Sasha Banks, WWE Credit: WWE.com /
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Asuka (c) (w/Kairi Sane) vs. Sasha Banks (w/Bayley) [Raw Women’s Championship Match]

Result: Sasha Banks

Rating: 4.5/5.0 Stars

Grade: A-

Sasha Banks gained early control in this match with key submission holds, shoot kicks, and grappling. The technical prowess of Banks was profound in this match. Asuka rallied back with shoot kicks and hip attacks of her own. Banks gained back momentum by attacking Asuka outside the ring, delivering a Frog Splash to Asuka for the two-count, and locking in the Bank Statement until Asuka reached the ropes to break the submission.

Asuka attempted the Asuka Lock but Banks countered with the same roll-up she defeated her with in the mixed tag team match with Dolph Ziggler on Raw. However, Asuka kicked out and delivered the German Suplex for the two-count. Asuka attempted the German Suplex from the top rope but Banks landed on her feet and went on the top rope to deliver the Meteora but tripped. Banks and Asuka punch each other at will.

Meanwhile, Bayley attempted to distract the referee but Kairi Sane stopped Bayley. Bayley delivered a Bayley to Belly to Sane and attempted to attack Asuka but the referee stopped her. Banks grabbed the championship belt to attack Asuka, but the referee took away the belt from Banks. From behind, Asuka spit the green mist at Banks but it slathered the referee’s face instead. Bayley took the referee’s shirt, attacked Asuka, and counted the pinfall for Banks to win.

Analysis: Sasha Banks became the new Raw Women’s Champion and that was the most creative nefarious victory of the night. This means that 2 Beltz Banks is a five-time, five-time, five-time, five-time, five-time Raw Women’s Champion. Take that, Booker T!