Shane McMahon presented a new concept this week, WWE Raw Underground. It’s certainly unique, but which names in WWE should join the fight?
Few could have expected what we’d see from Shane McMahon’s return to WWE Raw this week. In a shocking turn of events, McMahon introduced the all new concept: Raw Underground.
While there were certainly some issues, namely the random dancers they saw fit to post up in the corner, the segments did also have the opportunity of presenting new talent. Babatunde, now going under the name Dabba-Kato, made his debut during Raw Underground by demolishing a few competitors.
The rules, or purpose really, of Raw Underground is still fairly unclear. After McMahon orchestrated a handful of fights throughout the night, The Hurt Business came in and seems to have taken over.
We’ll have to wait and see how things look next week to know if The Hurt Business retains control or if this will still be McMahon’s operation. However, the unpredictability could mean opportunity for others.
WWE has no shortage of talent between their three brands, and this could be exactly the way to bring up some fresh blood and let them make an immediate impact. Here are six superstars who should be next in line to join the fight on Raw Underground.