WWE SummerSlam 2020 Results, Highlights and Grades: Roman Reigns Returns

WWE, Roman Reigns (Photo by Ron ElkmanSports Imagery/Getty Images)
WWE, Roman Reigns (Photo by Ron ElkmanSports Imagery/Getty Images) /
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Asuka (c) vs. Sasha Banks [Raw Women’s Championship]

Result: Asuka (via submission)

Rating: 4.5/5.0 Stars

Grade: A-, Good match. Albeit Sasha did not retain AGAIN, the long term story of the rifts being drawn between Banks and Bayley continues. Solid silver lining to fall back on here. 

Sasha Banks gained early control in this match. She delivered a devastating sunset flip powerbomb to Asuka outside the ring, but Asuka rallied back with a pivotal Impaler DDT from the top rope as well as a Missile Drop Kick.

Banks attempted to rally back with a Frog Splash but Asuka countered and locked in the Asuka Lock.  Banks countered with a roll up and the Bank Statement. Asuka countered with the Asuka Lock again, but Banks got out of it.

Asuka went for the Hip Attack on Banks. Bayley got up on the apron to protect Banks. The distraction worked as Bayley fell to the mat and Banks capitalized with a Bank Statement on Asuka, but Asuka countered for the Asuka Lock and the submission for the victory.

Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton [WWE Championship]

Result: Drew McIntyre (via pinfall)

Rating: 4.0/5.0 Stars

Grade: B+, Good match, but deflating finish. After defeating Brock Lesnar, McIntyre’s title reign was bound to be durable. However, the finish to this match indicated that this feud is far from over. Orton will get ‘payback.’

Randy Orton took control early on in this match with two Back Suplexes on the announce table and a Suplex off the announce table. McIntyre rallied back with a Spinebuster and a Figure Four as a tribute to Ric Flair.

McIntyre continued his offense with two clotheslines and two Belly to Belly Suplexes. McIntyre went on the top rope to deliver a Flying Clothesline and a Kip Up as a tribute to Shawn Michaels. McIntyre delivered a Belly to Belly Suplex from the top rope for the nearfall.

McIntyre delivered the Future Shock DDT for the nearfall. He went on the top rope again for the Flying Clothesline but Orton countered with a Scoop Slam. Orton attempted a DDT from the ropes but McIntyre countered with the Glasgow Kiss.

Orton delivered a DDT from the ropes. Orton was about to taunt for the RKO, but he went for the Punt Kick. McIntyre countered with a Powerbomb. McIntyre counted down for the Claymore. Orton countered to deliver the RKO, but McIntyre rolled Orton up for the pinfall and the victory.