How WWE can fix the falling state of NXT’s tag team division

Undisputed Era on the Oct. 30, 2019 edition of WWE NXT. Photo:
Undisputed Era on the Oct. 30, 2019 edition of WWE NXT. Photo: /

WWE NXT’s tag team division is need of some serious care.

The tag team division used to be one of the strongest parts of NXT each week. The history of the NXT tag group includes many great teams like FTR, Lucha House Party, American Alpha, DIY and more. Sadly, those days seem to be long gone and calling the division undervalued is an understatement.

WWE has continued to draw down on tag team wrestling across all of the brands. Each week it seems like a team is being broken up. On NXT it’s a bit different as teams aren’t being split, but they aren’t given the same limelight as it was back in the day. There was a time when the tag matches were the most anticipated matches of the evening, but now the division rarely gets the same segments of importance.

This downfall in the division can be due to two things. One: the creative team hasn’t put the same amount of time into the tag team division. Two: the roster itself hasn’t been restocked with tag teams to replace those that have been moved up to the main roster.

Vince McMahon’s disdain of tag team wrestling is well known. With NXT having more relevance with its move to the USA Network, it’s clear that his voice is having more say in the content. Which shows with how some of the booking is coming across, such as tag team wrestling. The creative team has to work under his guidance and follow his lead which creates concerns because there have been inputs about various shows getting written as they were on air due to Vince’s last-minute change.

If the situation goes as is, we may soon see a division that was the best on NXT become obscure. WWE needs to work on NXT’s tag team division and bring in as well as build on its promising superstars to form a tag team that will entertain fans and get back to giving viewers the matches that make them think of the division of the past.

NXT can recover to rebuild the tag team division, but it’s going to take some work. Breezango are the champs but there hasn’t been much action since their title victory. It would be a good idea to give them some quality competition to uplift superstars and characters. Imperium is one group that has the skills to rise to the occasion and with Kyle O’Riley the number one contender to the NXT title, WWE can have Bobby Fish and Adam Cole in the mix.

Plus there’s the new pairing of Killian Dain and Drake Maverick. Legado del Fantasma, Lorcan and Burch, Indus Sher and even Ever Rise round out the roster. There are a host of recruits and members of the cruiserweight division that can also be a part of the tag team division. The talent is there, but the booking needs to be there to match.

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The NXT tag team division can be recovered. It’s going to take time and adequate booking, but it can be done. The question is whether or not the WWE decides to take the steps to do so.