WWE NXT Halloween Havoc: 3 wrestlers who need to win

WWE NXT Women's Championship Credit: WWE.com
WWE NXT Women's Championship Credit: WWE.com
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Even during the pandemic, the rating’s war between WWE NXT and AEW is going strong. In fact, it has only been escalated.

Although WWE NXT has been on the losing side more often than not, you could still have argued it was the superior show quality-wise before the pandemic, but even that changed during the pandemic, with AEW producing excellent television on a weekly basis and NXT arguably being slightly boring in the recent months.

However, NXT has now picked up the pace. They’re now getting back on their feet with Takeover 31 being a great show top to bottom.

Both companies are vying for the fans’ attention and doing everything they can to woo us on their respective sides, and I know this line has been repeated over and over a lot of times now, but it’s really great to be a wrestling fan in this era. By that, I mean being a hardcore wrestling fan of course, not a casual one, because casual fans mostly watch RAW and SmackDown so it’s a terrible time for them.

So if you’re a casual fan, watch NXT and AEW! And NJPW, and possibly even Impact and ROH! Everything outside of RAW and SmackDown basically. Who would’ve thought wrestling could be this good even without fans? Let’s just all silently thank wrestling promoters around the world.

Anyway, both AEW and NXT are going all out (pun intended) to grab the fans’ eyeballs. With NXT not making the move to Tuesdays as rumored, even though it might have been a good idea.

Both NXT and AEW are now stacking up their shows, giving fans reasons to tune in every week. Let alone the PPVs, now even the weekly shows have themes. Remember the two-week-long AEW Fyter Fest and NXT’s Great American Bash that coincidentally ran on the exact same nights as Fyter Fest.

Keeping up with that process, WWE has now announced the rebooted Halloween Havoc for the October 28th episode of NXT. It has garnered hype and fans are looking forward to the show as some of the matches scheduled to take place on Halloween Havoc promise to be bangers.

So, keeping in mind that NXT need to build themselves up and create new stars, here are 3 wrestlers who need to win at WWE NXT Halloween Havoc.