WWE: The 6 Best Promos That Took Place In 2020

WWE, Edge (Photo by Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
WWE, Edge (Photo by Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
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There is nothing more fun for a wrestling journalist than doing a “best of” year-end review. It’s been said multiple times over, 2020 has been a unique and challenging year on so many different levels and has affected us all in different ways.

When it comes to the land of WWE, one major after effect of the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions was putting on weekly shows and pay-per-views (PPVs) without audiences.

As such, not only did these programs seem different for the viewer, but the talent had to perform without the energy of the crowd. Matches were affected; however, promos were, too.

But that doesn’t mean the cream of the crop didn’t rise to the challenge. Despite these obstacles, WWE superstars persevered, and below are some of the best WWE promos of 2020.

Edge’s Return To Raw

There were about two-and-a-half months of promos and matches in 2020 with crowds, and in the spirit of remembering what if felt like to see a RAW arena filled with non-virtual fans, the first best-of-the-best promo goes to Edge’s return to RAW, after his shocking and welcome comeback at the 2020 Royal Rumble. I’ve read it on social media memes 1000 times over since COVID hit, and the truth is, I’m glad, like many of you, that Edge and his fans got the experience of the live-crowd pop. He, and his return, deserved it.

In fact, there’s a reason why Edge is a WWE Hall of Famer, and one thing is his passion on the mic. Any of his 2020 promos, pre-virus or otherwise, could hit this list. Edge cuts his promos with heart, intensity, and passion. He could’ve had a top five 2020 promos list on his own, but I need to share the wealth on this list.

Kevin Owens Post-WrestleMania Promo In A Parking Garage

Much like, Edge, Kevin Owens is a master on the mic, and could easily have a 2020 list of his on when it comes to promos. Could it be a Canadian thing? Regardless, whether he’s jumping on the announcer’s table to get his point across, or simply shouting (ever so eloquently) into a camera, fans can feel his pain, anger, enthusiasm, or sarcasm, depending on the program (or point) he’s trying to sell.

I personally enjoyed his post-WM promo from a parking garage, circa April 2020, and fun fact … his wife Katrina was the one who shot it!