Billie Kay is one of those performers whose talent cannot be ignored whenever she’s on television. There’s an opportunity for her to shine on SmackDown in any role.
Billie Kay is the gift that keeps on giving whenever she appears on WWE television. She and Peyton Royce had their time together as the IIconics suddenly ended and fans of both women continue to question that move each week. While it was Royce who was expected to get the push out of the two, many hoped that Kay would not be forgotten in the shift. She has something special to offer the WWE which, if properly booked, can see her become the bigger star of the two.
It is hard to watch any segment involving Billie Kay and not crack up in laughter. Everything from her mannerisms, timing, and delivery makes it hard for her colleagues to keep a straight face when she is on screen. Everything in professional wrestling does not have to be serious all the time. Kay has the ability to be funny and comedy has a place in the industry – just ask the likes of Toru Yano, Santino Marella. Even superstar names like the Rock and Stone-Cold Steve Austin had their moments where their goal was to make people laugh before dishing out beatings.
Now, this is not saying that Kay is in the realm of some of the greatest stars in the industry. But what needs to be recognized is that she should not be shuffled over to catering as if she does not have anything to offer on television. In her recent appearances, she is providing her resume and headshot to anyone willing to listen backstage – angling for some sort of job on SmackDown. As of last weekend, it seems like she is inserted herself right into a tag team match against The Riott Squad. This will probably lead to some form of embarrassment for Kay, but viewers can bet it will be entertaining along the way.
But what if Billie Kay was leveraged in a different way? Imagine her as the assistant to Adam Pearce, managing efforts backstage. Pearce is another individual who has grown into a role that may not be a championship-level wrestler, but he adds value whenever he is on screen for either SmackDown or Monday Night Raw. Linking Kay to Pearce would be an interesting experiment that could lead to some entertaining segments of television. Remember when Paige was announced as the General Manager of SmackDown? Those were some of her best, post-injury moments and Kay could find success in a similar role.
The booking for the women on both Raw and SmackDown needs some help. Those outside of the Four Horsewomen lacks overall direction and elevation. Billie Kay was shipped off to SmackDown were many worried that she would be forgotten about, but she is continued to remind everyone that she is a talented performer beyond what happens between the ropes. Here is to hoping she gets the opportunity to show what she can do.