WWE NXT TakeOver WarGames 2020 Results, Grades and Analysis

WWE NXT Women's Championship Credit: WWE.com
WWE NXT Women's Championship Credit: WWE.com /
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Pat McAfee, WWE (photo courtesy of WWE) /

Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, Bobby Fish, and Roderick Strong) vs. Pat McAfee, Danny Burch, Oney Lorcan, and Pete Dunne

Result: Kyle O’Reilly pinned Oney Lorcan to win the match for Undisputed Era.

Grade: A+

Well, it’s only fitting, isn’t it?

The best built story in the buildup to the show should have the best match on the show. Although, I’m still torn between this and Ciampa/Thatcher. Okay, let’s get into it.

First of all, UE’s gear was *Chef’s kiss* amazing.

Kyle O’Reilly and Pete Dunne started the match. Perfect. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. They start with excellent technical wrestling. Good stuff.

Am I the only one who wants to see a main event feud between these two?

Things quickly turned ugly as Dunne moved on to joint manipulation.

It looked like Pat’s the one coming out next, but Oney Lorcan stopped him and stepped out. He got into the ring and I thought, Man, the combination of technical wrestling and striking in the ring right now is amazing. And sure enough, there are strike exchanges between Lorcan and O’Reilly.

Then there’s a wonderful little section of the match dedicated to Dunne and Lorcan bullying Kyle O’Reilly. Everyone plays their role to perfection. Kyle’s comeback is ruthlessly cut short and a brutal double submission is applied.

Bobby Fish comes to O’Reilly’s rescue. Fish ran wild for a while and the former reDRagon hit some great double team moves.

McAfee again looked like he wanted to get in the ring, but he was stopped by Danny Burch. Burch got two cricket bats in the ring.

One thing that I felt was missing in the match was that Burch and Lorcan never really felt like a team. I mean, they’re that tag champs, they should be portrayed as such.

Anyway, reDRagon are having their asses handed to them. The spotlight is always on O’Reilly, he’s being massacred.

Roderick Strong was the next man and he literally went 100 miles an hour. He looked like that battery rabbit and he decimated all three opponents for a while, but he too was quickly taken down. At this point, UE are being smothered.

Pat McAfee finally came out. He got tables with each of the UE member’s names on them. He put Strong on the table with his name on it, and did a moonsault through the table, and stood up like the cockiest man in the world.

Finally, Adam Cole came out. He got a fire extinguisher and sprayed it on the opponents. He got in the ring and his eyes met Pat’s.

Before they could square off, Dunne gets involved and helps Pat beat up Cole. And I’d just like to point out that Pat’s cackle is truly villainous.

Then, things got intense, O’Reilly calls out McAfee, and I mean he literally tore Pat a new one with his words, calling him a b*tch and what not. Then, everyone starts brawling.

There was a finisher fest, big move after big move. Pat ended up on top and did a “WOO” and put Cole in a Figure-4, while the rest of his group prevented the rest of the UE from interrupting. Cole reversed the hold and Pat had to be saved by Dunne.

Tables were broken, even McAfee went through one. The UE trapped everyone except Pat in between the cage and the ropes and then hit a flurry of maneuvers and really kicked the crap out of them.

Then UE absolutely bullied McAfee, who tried to beg and plead. Then the rest of Pat’s boys come back and there’s a standoff and a brawl.

Everyone except Pat was brawling. Pat climbed to the top and did a Swanton Bomb off the top. It seemed like they dint catch him properly, although he seemed okay.

Then there was a wild exchange between Dunne and O’Reilly while the rest of the guys took a nap.

Dunne and O’Reilly were the MVPs for this match.

O’Reilly kicked out of the Bitter End, Dunne kicked out of a Brainbuster, and please give me a feud between these two right now.

Pat and Cole then finally had a tussle. Things got kicked into overdrive. Multiple finishers were hit. Fish speared Burch into a table, McAfee kicked out of a Panama Sunrise. After a lot more carnage, O’Reilly hit a knee drop onto a chair placed on Lorcan’s head and pinned him.

This was an amazing match from start to finish, I don’t know if it was better than last year’s or the year before that, but it certainly holds its own.

dark. Next. Ranking The 10 Best Wrestlers In WWE NXT History

The show on the whole was good. The wrestling was great but the booking was questionable.

Also, there was a video package for Karrion Kross’s return and also we’re going to hear from Finn Balor so things are looking up for NXT.