WWE Royal Rumble 2021: 3 wrestlers who need to win the men’s RR

WWE, Keith Lee (photo courtesy of WWE)
WWE, Keith Lee (photo courtesy of WWE) /
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1. Keith Lee

Remember when Keith Lee got called up to the main roster in August and a number of reports suggested that he was set to receive a “huge push”? Do you also remember that “push” including wins over Randy Orton that barely highlighted his strengths followed by several months in midcard purgatory?

How about when, in the midst of this “push”, reports came out that WWE wanted to send Lee to WWE Big Man Reeducation Camp so he could likely learn how to “slow down” and apply more needless chinlocks? A Rumble win wouldn’t fix all of that, but it would finally get Lee on a track that scoots him out of 50/50 Land and into the main event.

As we saw this past Monday on RAW, Lee is more than talented enough to deliver a scintillating main event with the right dance partner. And let’s face it: unless Goldberg beats Drew McIntyre for the WWE Championship at the Rumble PPV and they have a rematch at Mania or if Brock Lesnar comes back, who else is qualified to face McIntyre at the biggest WWE show of the year? Miz? Sheamus? AJ Styles, again? Bobby Lashley (actually, that wouldn’t be a bad choice)?

Most of those names have gotten their chance as top guys only for WWE to find out they are something less than. With Lee, WWE has a chance to promote a fresh face at the top of the card and giving him the Rumble win could be just the thing to cement him as a legitimate star.