WWE Royal Rumble 2021 Match Card Predictions

WWE, Daniel Bryan (Photo by Santiago Felipe/Getty Images)
WWE, Daniel Bryan (Photo by Santiago Felipe/Getty Images)
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Two world title matches have been announced for WWE Royal Rumble 2021, but what other matches will be added to this year’s card?

There is no time in the wrestling calendar year that brings me more joy than January. Wrestle Kingdom is NJPW’s weekend extravaganza of world-class wrestling, while the Royal Rumble promises a fresh start to the year for WWE and begins the build to WrestleMania season. WWE Royal Rumble 2021 is no different because there’s a good chance we see a new star elevated, especially with WWE desperate to improve its Monday night rating.

Let’s take a look at how the full match card could shake out this year and try our hand at predicting the results of each match, including the men’s world title matches currently announced.

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode (c) vs. the Street Profits for the SmackDown Tag Team Titles

I have a feeling Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode won the SmackDown Tag Titles recently just to send them back to the Profits at the Royal Rumble. There’s only one possible feud for Ziggler and Roode, and that’s one with the Mysterio Family, who have yet to become an actual tag team. And they may never become one.

The real long-term play for WrestleMania season here is the Profits vs. The Usos – Jimmy should be returning soon – at WrestleMania 37. That’s a dream match and the only tag title match I care about in the short-term future. Ziggler and Roode are good in the ring, but there’s nothing compelling about either of them in 2021.

Prediction: The Street Profits

Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Riddle for the United States Championship

Bobby Lashley and Riddle have been going at it for weeks, and I’m still not happy that Riddle pinned Lashley. Like, if you are going to have someone pin THE Bobby Lashley, make it someone worth our damn time and do it in a match that actually has stakes – not an episode of a television show that very few of us want to watch live anyway.

It all looks like WWE is setting is up for a match at the Royal Rumble PPV between Riddle and Lashley. WWE is dealing with sagging ratings, so their answer is to book Riddle prominently in spite of the fact that the guy is a charisma vacuum who doesn’t belong on the screen with such dignitaries as Lashley and MVP.

I hope Lashley squashes Riddle, and we’ll be done with this charade. Lashley needs to keep holding the US Title and put over an actual, worthy babyface at WrestleMania 37.

Prediction: Bobby Lashley