Who do you think will have a breakout year in 2021?
Ernesto – It’s gotta be Ricochet, right? WWE continuously does this thing where they let guys lose and lose some more before setting them up for a push, and I feel that’s what they’re doing with Ricochet. Maybe he joins RETRIBUTION in some Daniel Bryan/Wyatt Family type deal, or he assembles his own team to go head-to-head with them. Either way, something interesting seems to be on the horizon for Ricochet.
Granger – I recently wrote an article about this topic and the list was topped by Keith Lee. Since arriving in NXT, Lee has been one of the best on the roster. He was called up to Raw only a few months ago and has become a crucial part of the brand. If Keith is treated correctly, he could have a huge year in 2021. Although, I am expecting big things out of superstars like Bianca Belair and Jey Uso as well.
Samantha – I really hope KUSHIDA finally does. The man should’ve had the Cruiserweight title from the jump & should be carrying the North American Championship by now. I also think Cameron Grimes is on the verge of something really special. Push him “TO THE MOOOON!”I really hope they strap a rocket to Bianca Belair. She is special and we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg with her.
Max – Jey Uso. This time next year, I want Jey Uso to have added a singles title to his resume. Outside of the current champions he is the hottest singles star at this moment and is made for an instant classic at WrestleMania, maybe for the Intercontinental championship or (what I want) a rematch with Roman for the Universal title.
The Royal Rumble is coming up and presents an opportunity to build momentum even coming short in the namesake match, from looking to go coast-to-coast and falling at the last hurdle to eliminating multiple big stars, Jey looks ripe for a mammoth push and is in good stead for it. I truly think booking wise the only superstar who can grab one of Vince’s proverbial brass rings and run with it is Jey, I wouldn’t be mad if he took the IC belt off of Big E, because then Big E could feud with Roman.
It speaks volumes of the position where he is at because he has the ability to elevate who he is in the ring with to the next level, a feud with Jey can build someone to feud with Roman. You could argue he has already had his breakout, but for me, until he wins big he hasn’t yet; this year will be his year.
Honorable mentions: Bianca Belair & Kyle O’Reilly