Roman Reigns, Edge, and Daniel Bryan put on an incredible main event on the second night of WWE WrestleMania 37. They weaved together a narrative that had been set up beautifully over the past several weeks, culminating in a dramatic close to Sunday night’s action.
And in the end, as many of us expected, Reigns stood tall, having pinned Edge on top of Bryan after winning the “Battle of the Spears”.
A natural question is to wonder who is next for the Universal Champion, but I am equally intrigued by what is next for his competitors, Edge and Bryan.
All three men took incredible journeys to this point where they reached the summit in the main event of WrestleMania. And while their story together is now over, I do not think it ended at ‘Mania for two of the three competitors. In fact, one pivotal moment of the match should ensure that things are only just beginning.
Daniel Bryan went against everything he stood for at WrestleMania
There has been a lot of animosity between Edge and Bryan over the past several weeks. Edge believes Bryan weaseled his way into the main event, and he was understandably apoplectic (to use one of Mauro Ranallo’s favorite words) at Bryan trying to essentially “pick up the scraps” in his proposed solutions to Adam Pearce.
Although Edge respects that Bryan has taken a page out of his book by seeking opportunities for himself, he resents how it has come at his expense. And after changing the match at Fastlane between Bryan and Reigns, Edge was on the receiving end of Bryan doing the same at WrestleMania.
Make no mistake, what Bryan did on Sunday night was not illegal. It was well within the bounds of a Triple Threat match. And in his mind, it was justified by the magnitude of the moment and in light of Edge’s slight at Fastlane.
But make no mistake, what Bryan did was against his supposed moral code. He is supposed to be the guy who wins “the right way” and doesn’t take shortcuts like throwing the ref out of the ring. Yet that’s exactly what he did with the whole world watching.
Edge can’t let this go. There is no way he lets this go. After everything he said about Bryan in the build to WrestleMania, the former GM of SmackDown basically proved the “Rated R Superstar” correct 100 times over via his actions. What Bryan did was cunning. If winning is the only thing, it was the right move. But if Bryan is supposed to stand for more than just winning, then it was not worth it. Bryan, after all, did not win. In fact, he was humiliated by being at the bottom of the pile of Reigns’ pin. The only thing he achieved was costing Edge.
Does Bryan regret what he did? How will he try to justify his actions to Edge and WWE fans? Because clearly, Edge was right about Bryan all along.
We need to get a fiery feud between Bryan and Edge, one-on-one, over the course of the next couple of months on SmackDown. WWE needs to have non-title feuds that are based around something that happened in the context of the match/show and then can bleed in real-life characteristics into promos.
This rivalry can provide that kind of entertainment on television while delivering in the ring on pay-per-view. WWE have to pounce on this loose thread from the main event of WrestleMania, because there is a lot to unwind here.